I justed wanted to say that i consider Stratomatic Baseball one of the greaatest games ever invented...I've played all 3 versions of the game (board,cdrom and online) for many years...the game can be frustrating at times but so is any other game that relies on a certain element of luck. I stayed away from playing the online game for awhile (i had gotten tired of what felt like a losing battle trying to figure out the logic of HAL) but i missed playing in leagues with you all and here i am now playing with more teams than ever (30 active as of today). What spurred me on to write this was after i'd read about some of you who are going to stop playing the game or are thinking about it. I won't get on the guys who are grumbling because i've been there myself in the past, i found that taking a break made me realize what i was missing. I started playing the online game the first year TSN presented the game here. The competition is alot of fun, there are a bunch of very nice people here that i've come to enjoy playing in leagues with. Personally i think Bernie and others from TSN do a great job of trying to keep the TSN Stratomatic game fresh with all the work they put into it. The game is FUN..heck i'm far from being an expert manager but i've decided im going to enjoy playing whether i win or lose.