Comment on Manager Ratings

Comment on Manager Ratings

Postby dennisfs561 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 9:10 am

Couple of points....

1) The 2007 ratings need to seperated from the ATGIII umbrella.
-- Part of the fun for me is to see how high in the rankings I can get for any one card set. Lumping 2007 in with ATG makes this impossible. I played 50 + teams in 2007(2006). I was ranked 4, and striving for a higher ranking, along with winning % and points, was part of the draw for playing more teams. It was a way to gauge performance against one's peers. If at all possible ,please seperate 2007 rankings from ATG.

2)The 1986 set. It is free, so there is not much room to bit_h. However, is there any way that wins, loses, winning %, and points can be registered again. Due to abuse of the freebie goldmine, I acknowledege that the points should not be included in the overall player ratings, but can they be charted seperately. I drafted 18 teams, and though they are free, I have put a lot of time and effort into them. Most of us Strat addicted types are also statistic freaks, and without 1986 stats(W, L %, and points) charted, it is almost not worth the effort to invest the time in them.
Also, it opens up the leagues to the pis_ed off types to torpedo them by purposely degrading their teams. If the stats are tracked, it greatly reduces this possibility, as it keeps the pride in ones performance (and numbers out there for all to see)aspect in play.

Bottom line... I enjoy Strat, appreciate all the hard work Bernie has done and continues to do, and will continue my addiction regardless. I hope, if nothing else, my comments on the 2007 set will be addressed.

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Postby keyzick » Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:56 am

Hey Dennis - As far as I can tell, 2007 and ATG are still separate on the manager ratings pages. They are only lumped together for display purposes on the page you see with all your team's combined.

Click on 2007 Manager Ratings, and you'll see what I mean.
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Postby dennisfs561 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:02 pm

Maybe I am having a brain fart, but I do not see a seperate listing for 2007. There is one that says 2007, but that is for the 2006 set. When I go to manager ratings while accessing one of my new 2007 teams, it shows all the gods of ATG, at their unassailable heights. Can you post a link for me? Thanks.

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Postby keyzick » Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:01 pm

Oh, sorry, my bad. I was referring to the 2006 set (which was once called the 2007 :lol: ).

I don't think they start putting the new set up until the first leagues finish, so maybe they will still separately track the mananger ratings.. :roll:

I agree with you, hope they keep all the sets separate.
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Postby dennisfs561 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:32 pm

My bad also... I think. I forgot all about that end of the 1st league thing. I hope that is it. Thanks for the input.

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Something happened

Postby chasenally » Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:53 pm

I am under another name for the '86 league and 2 days ago I lost my entire rating of I think 18 points. I have 5 teams going with a 85-60 win/loss and no rating at all. I don't care as it is free. Mike
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Postby dennisfs561 » Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:47 pm

It is free, but I would still like to be able to gauge my success against others playing the set. Also, even though they are free teams, I would like to have something to show for the effort put into managing the teams well. Sure, there is the enjoyment of just playing the game, but setting the lineups etc. for 18 teams is a bit of work, with a now very diminished return.

But, I acknowledge, it is FREE, and as such, I don't have much of a leg to bit_h on. Point is, I would never have drafted 18 teams if I knew the decision to honor points, and track wins and loses in the manager ratings would be recinded. ( a decision which I agree had to be made so as to not make manager ratings a joke)

I will still treat them like premium teams, however, and give it my best.
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Manager's Ratings

Postby Brent65 » Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:25 pm

Props to Bernie and the gang for giving us the opportunity to play free in the 86 league. However, we were told that we were playing for manager's ratings only and not prizes, and we excepted that. Now were being told that were now, not playing for either? This will limit the compitition level and interest of most teams, therefore hurt the experience drastically.

It's a shame that some of us abused the number of teams taken and now were all suffering for their greedy deeds. I knew when there wasn't a limit of the amount of teams taken, there would be an issue.
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Postby Brent65 » Sat Mar 22, 2008 7:52 pm

Great point Dennis: (see previous post)

The 1986 set. It is free, so there is not much room to bit_h. However, is there any way that wins, loses, winning %, and points can be registered again. Due to abuse of the freebie goldmine, I acknowledege that the points should not be included in the overall player ratings, but can they be charted seperately. I drafted 18 teams, and though they are free, I have put a lot of time and effort into them. Most of us Strat addicted types are also statistic freaks, and without 1986 stats(W, L %, and points) charted, it is almost not worth the effort to invest the time in them.

My question is "why wasn't there limits placed at the beginning?" Like Dennis said, some of us put in a lot of time in, thinking were at least playing for manager's ratings. This is now going to create several issues, e.g. interest, quality of managers paying attention and what are we playing for............"what are we fighting for"
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Postby SGTD » Sat Mar 22, 2008 10:18 pm

I am confused by some things that maybe someone can clear up. I have ONLY ONE 2007 team that is waiting for the league to fill and it says that I have 15 teams with a +69 rating. I have Zero ATG III teams and it says I have 2 teams with a -1 rating. Can someone explain this or do I need to ask Bernie? SGT D
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