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Lame way to limit the teams!

Fri Mar 21, 2008 1:04 pm
OK, I'm new to the start-o-matic online, but I must say it's pretty lame the way they limited the free teams like this. If I had known they were going to cap the number of teams I would have spaced them out more to enjoy the leagues for a longer period of time, as it is I'm trying to keep up with all the teams at once then it will just end. It's nice to give out the free samples but maybe next time a little more thought should be put into it, and ground rules should be set from the start instead of just thrown on everyone without notice!

Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:10 pm
by Naturaldoc
See the thread entitled, "There goes SOM changing the rules again." in the Questions, Suggestions for TSN section. It was covered pretty thoroughly there.

Fri Mar 21, 2008 7:45 pm
by scorehouse
how many teams have you purchased?

Fri Mar 21, 2008 8:19 pm
Well, not that it has anything to do with it, but I played my free week then I signed up for a 2003 season before the 86' season was even offered for free, I'm still waiting for it to start because it just filled up this week. I complained about the time it took for the league to fill up and they (Bernie I guess) let me pick another season, so now I'm waiting for a 2004 league to fill up as well.
I'll be honest, I probably won't be playing much more because there is no way I can afford to pay $25 a season, I'm married with 3 kids, a house and family bills to worry about, I can't afford that much for an online game and I play the board game with friends each week, so I get my fill of Strat!
I'm sure they could do the older league for even less money and they would fill up a lot quicker and they could still make a ton of money with advertising on the site!!

Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:11 am
by durantjerry
I don't think it's lame. If they tell you in advance, some guys will just be starting that fifth free team around January 2010. I think the idea was for us to do just what we all did, which was play early and often and maybe get some new guys into it that may want to play more after sampling the game. Business-wise, you aren't really who they want. Your a guy who wants to play for free as long as possible but really doesn't have the time, money or inclination to continue afterwards. They aren't looking to let you play for free as long as possible, and who can blame them? What sense would that make? I think it was great, as I got to play for free in a game that I definitely would have ended up paying for, but I may play more now that I'm so well versed on the players. I know the 1986 game better than the 1969 game, which has been out for a couple of years. They'll probably get more guys in the 1986 game since they got to sample it, vs the 1969 game, which is pretty slow.

Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:50 am
by chasenally
Got 2 kids, braces, gum graphs, daycare, getting a car for the oldest and oh by the way they are 4 and 17. I bought a 5 pack for $99.95 and play 1 team at a time. 8 weeks times 5 teams = 40 weeks of games. Not a bad return. If you win it all you get 2 free and can carry 1 over to next year. I am a delivery driver so I don't make much. I do understand your pain but this is fun to do when they are all asleep. Tell the wife how I did the night before and she fakes interest. It is great. When I win she loves it. $50 saved next season. Did it once. Hope that you play but understand if you don't. Good health to you and your loved ones. :)
I have you all beat

Sat Mar 22, 2008 12:15 pm
I have any where between 7 and 11 ladies I am managing. And let me tell you that these ,"Ladies" cost dough! Condoms,outfits,bail money,drug money, and much much more! Pimpin' aint easy, but it is very necessary!
Shamus O'Bagbe and Shaker Cartel