For a while now I've had this urge to combine all the various SOM forums that are broken up by "game" (e.g. 200x, ATG, 1986, 70s, 80s, etc.) into one single forum. I can see the obvious arguments against it - it does seem the various communities are somewhat disparate, and you might not want to see topics not pertaining to your favorite player set - but the advantages would include: 1) creating a more "inclusive" environment for SOM Online, 2) expose everyone to other player sets they might not have exposure to otherwise, 3) reduce confusion for the new customer looking for "the community", 4) drastically cut down on the places I need to keep up with, as a company representative, 5) cut down on the places I need to post announcements to (although there's other ways we can improve on this last point). The last 3 points would make my life a lot easier, personally.
An example of why point #4 is important is the fact that since I don't have the time to go clicking on 6 or 7 different forums everyday, I usually end up just going to ATG because I know it usually has the most activity, and I end up not giving the other sub-communities their due attention.
I was wondering what your thoughts were.
Bernie H.