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can someone explain?

Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:31 am
why mcclure who has been with the team from day 1, has 0 IP?

Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:42 am
by visick
What are you BP/Individual settings FM?

Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:43 am
mcclure is wide open...
the other lefty was avoid rhb, quick, max1-2, not before 8th.

Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:44 am
by geekor
I don't know you tell me, happening to me in this league as well. I have him on other teams, and he's being used. This case could be too many options, but in your case, maybe your SP's are staying in too long?

Fri Mar 28, 2008 11:46 am
by geekor
I'm also thinking that overall the hitters by far are better on average vs L than R in the 86 set. I have another team with 4 RP's, Oliwine Garber, Mcclure and a cheapie. My 2 lefties, both have less that 20 innings, where the other 2 are over 50 each!! I think HAL does not like LH RP in this set.

Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:00 pm
by visick
You might need to experiment and let HAL take over for a night or 2 FM.
Remove all checks from your entire BP for a night or 2, and see what happens.
I've been doing that with the '86 teams for the 1st. week of the season. The guys that play the mystery games seem to think that HAL knows what season they have so they let HAL make the BP moves. Then they set up their pen AFTER they see what occurs.
This happened to me once last season with the '07 cards. I forget who it was, but he didn't pitch ALL season.