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The "perfect" (but hidden) rating system already exists!

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:43 am
by coyote303
There has been grumbling about the rating system--that it doesn't truly reflect the skill of the manager. I like Bernie's description of it as a measure of experience. It does let you tell at a glance exactly that.

To get the true test of a manager's skill, however, simply click on his name to the left of his rating and look at his winning percentages. The percentage I pay closest attention to is, of course, the season I'm competing in at the time.

So, TSN gives you the best of both worlds: a rating system that encourages and rewards you to play more, and a system that shows your skill as a manager.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 2:11 am
by wavygravy2k
Are you referring to the standings.html page?

In any case, the winning percentages seem to be accessible regardless of how you get to the ratings page.

PostPosted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 3:09 am
by GlenBrummer
I also look at % of playoffs. But for a pure apples to apples comparison, the 86 set sets the gold standard. 5 seasons. same player set.