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It's Time! Give & Take League/FULL

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:56 am
by Jeepdriver
[b:a75b6dcc95]Give & Take Theme League General Rules: [/b:a75b6dcc95]

1. 12 Round Serpentine Draft done on the boards/[b:a75b6dcc95]or[/b:a75b6dcc95] if someone wants to set up the draft on the draft site on-line we can do that. I would need a [u:a75b6dcc95]volunteer[/u:a75b6dcc95] as I haven't set a draft up there yet.
2. 1 Additional Round called the Give & Take or the Screw Your Neighbor Round (discussed in detail below)
3. Advanced League/DH/Weighted Waivers/$80M/Progressive Drops
4. Pick a state with a Pick 3 Lotto. This will determine draft order.
5. Draft starts [u:a75b6dcc95]immediately[/u:a75b6dcc95] after we fill the league.
6. 3 hour T.L. for each pick beginning in Round II incl. weekends. (9am-midnight EDT) (I can be flexible on the weekend part if necessary)
7. Divisions are 1/4/7/10 in East and so on.
8. Remaining 13 players are Autodrafted.

[b:a75b6dcc95]Theme/Draft Rules: [/b:a75b6dcc95]

1) Each Owner picks 1 Hitter AND 1 Pitcher in the first two rounds. Obviously if you take a hitter in Round 1, you would take a Pitcher in Round 2.

2) Each Owner [color=red:a75b6dcc95]owns the rights [/color:a75b6dcc95]to the team from which his first pick is made for the first TWO rounds of the draft. For example: Santana is picked first. No succeeding Owner may take a Minn. player until after the first TWO rounds are completed. At the onset of Round 3 all players are fair game.

3) Your Stadium [u:a75b6dcc95]must [/u:a75b6dcc95]be from the home park of one of your first two picks. If (this is important) you do not pick your stadium with your first pick, you MUST use the stadium from the team of your second pick. For example: Owner 1 with the Santana pick doesn't declare The Metrodome as his park. He cannot pick the Metrodome in Round 2. The only exception would be if he chose another Minn. player in Round 2. Then his park would obviously be the Metrodome.

4) As previously stated, ALL players are eligible to be drafted AFTER Round II.

5) There will be [b:a75b6dcc95]ONE [/b:a75b6dcc95]additional Round after the 12 Round Live Draft called the [i:a75b6dcc95]Give & Take [/i:a75b6dcc95]or the [i:a75b6dcc95]Screw Your Neighbor Round [/i:a75b6dcc95](both are acceptable )

Pick 3 Lotto will be done again on a night TBD just before the completion of Round XII. This G&T (or Screw Your Neighbor) Round is a completely [u:a75b6dcc95]new order [/u:a75b6dcc95]from the original draft.

[b:a75b6dcc95]Screw Your Neighbor Round Rules: [/b:a75b6dcc95]

* Each owner gets to pick ANY player drafted by another Owner that was picked [u:a75b6dcc95]after [/u:a75b6dcc95]Round II. Once an owner loses a player, he cannot lose any more players. Therefore each owner loses a player, AND gains a player. This round will take place on the boards.


Vets highly preferred - Due to the complexity of the theme if you're a novice, and the dependability factor.

Must be available for a draft that will take approx. 1 week, maybe less.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 11:58 am
by Jeepdriver
Give & Take Theme League Sign-Ups

1. Jeep - SC
2. Splinter - GA
3. Visick -
4. Kev -
5. FrankM -
6. Jack -

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:03 pm
by Ninersphan
Give & Take Theme League Sign-Ups

1. Jeep - SC
2. Splinter - GA
3. Visick -
4. Kev -
5. FrankM -
6. Jack -
7. Ninersphan - NY

Haven't done this one in a while, count me in. :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:06 pm
by geekor
damn you jeep....

I want to be in but will be leaving for Japan a week from Wed and not returning till the following mon. (apr 30-may 5th). not bringing a laptop this time so no access.... if we could finish before then, I am in, but I don't want to bog down the draft for you guys.....

:x :cry: :cry:

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:08 pm
by Jeepdriver
Geekor, the only thing I know to do is go for it, but have someone on stand-by that could finish the draft in your absense. That might be tricky though, do whatever you think.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:08 pm
by Jack377
Give & Take Theme League Sign-Ups

1. Jeep - SC
2. Splinter - GA
3. Visick -
4. Kev -
5. FrankM -
6. Jack - AZ
7. Ninersphan - NY

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:10 pm
by geekor
Give & Take Theme League Sign-Ups

1. Jeep - SC
2. Splinter - GA
3. Visick -
4. Kev -
5. FrankM -
6. Jack - AZ
7. Ninersphan - NY
8. geekor - FL

WE can finish the draft in a week, right?

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:13 pm
by Jeepdriver
It usually takes around a week, unless something happens. If you or Niner or someone with a little time can set up the on-line draft site that might expedite things. We would STILL need to post park choices on the boards though.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:31 pm
by Ninersphan
[quote:85930ea41a="Jeepdriver"]It usually takes around a week, unless something happens. If you or Niner or someone with a little time can set up the on-line draft site that might expedite things. We would STILL need to post park choices on the boards though.[/quote:85930ea41a]

Just let me know what the paramater sof the draft are

12 rounds right,
80 mil

anything else I should know besides the order?

We'll have to do the give and take round here on the boards. the Draft site won't accomidate that.

But I'll be glad to set it up once the order is all set.

PostPosted: Mon Apr 21, 2008 12:33 pm
by Jeepdriver
Yes 12 rounds serpentine.

Yes. I mentioned above that the Srew Your Neighbor round will be here on the boards.

In addition, when everyone makes their first or second pick, they'll have to declare their park here on the boards, too.