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Sad? or Funny?

Fri May 09, 2008 5:55 pm
by geekor
I was just bored and browsing the 1986 ratings. I noticed that only 2 managers show more than 5 teams (i.e. actually bought teams).
Is that game dead already? or are the ratings screwed up?

Fri May 09, 2008 6:01 pm
by The Biomechanical Man
I guess not many people are ready to buy the cow if they've been getting the milk for free.
The important thing (for the health of our online community) is whether the free offer enticed new blood to get hooked, and start buying teams with [i:a80cfd8bd7]any[/i:a80cfd8bd7] card set.
The truth about '86

Fri May 09, 2008 6:33 pm
by elpasopesos
I had said before that the 86 live draft was a dry run so that if there had been serious problems with the feature(and there didnt seem to be) Bernie et al wouldn't face massive compensation payouts since '86 was being given "free". I remember when it was launched people were singing the praises of the designers for their wonderful "gift". I was appreciate of course, but I knew we were the guinea pigs on the turnwheel and that the season was never actually "free". When they launched the 2007 season on the heels of the 86 release, players simply and predictably lost interest... I know I did. I only had 2 teams because I wanted to concentrate on '07. This is too bad actually because '86 is a terrific season with a myriad of strategy possibilities. Just the huge number of R3 relievers really challenged the way I play. I know for one that I will probably never go back to play '86 eventhough I loved playing my favorite player of all time Tim Raines on both my teams.

Fri May 09, 2008 7:44 pm
by durantjerry
I will play more, but I still have twelve or so active teams. I like the season, but will probably only dabble as with the 1969 season. I play anything(and everything) though.

Fri May 09, 2008 9:55 pm
by goredsox33
Ive tried a few of the "older games"...But i find myself always coming back to the current version.
Not sure why.
Re: The truth about '86

Fri May 09, 2008 10:08 pm
by LMBombers
[quote:096c1a1469="elpasopesos"]When they launched the 2007 season on the heels of the 86 release, players simply and predictably lost interest... I know I did. I only had 2 teams because I wanted to concentrate on '07.[/quote:096c1a1469]
Interesting. I was just the opposite. Two brand new card sets were released at about the same time. One is free and unlimited (at the time) and the other was $24.95 or 5 teams for a hundred bucks. I opted to keep playing the FREE game. I figured why pay for one game if you can get another for free? Both were new player sets to learn and enjoy. I only started playing the 2007 game a few weeks after they closed the door on the free 1986 teams. I still have started far less 2007 teams than I would have otherwise.

Fri May 09, 2008 10:18 pm
by Stoney18
I think they put a limit on the number of the free teams at 5 for the manager ratings. There have been a few posts about that.

Fri May 09, 2008 11:02 pm
by geekor
yes, 5 for free, any more you buy will make your number of teams go up... only 2 manager show 6 if you sort by teams, the rest are 5. Which means either 2 ppl bought credits, or the ratings are messed up. If it means only 2 bought credits, then that's sad.