"Team" League

"Team" League

Postby tommyv2005 » Sun Jun 08, 2008 8:43 am

Anyone know of leagues where owners take an entire team from a season and manage it? Example, 1969 season, someone manages the mets, the cubs, etc. In a 12 team league most likely there won't be any dog teams. It would give one the chance to use manager skills over GM skills and one could say hey this is how I would have taken the 69 mets to the WS
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Postby ndowdy » Tue Jun 10, 2008 1:54 am

The only time I've been in a league where the teams were completely stock was a freebie for 1986. Usually the franchise based leagues have some sort of equalizer. I like the system Page2 uses for the modern teams. Everybody picks a team. You must keep 20 players carded to your team on your roster. You can spend up to 4.00 for any player who once played for your team or up to 2.00 for free agents to fill out the rest of your roster to cover any weaknesses to the team. I've also seen them where basically the same rules apply, but players who are on your team now in real-life are available to your team i.e. if you played the Tigers Miguel Cabrera could be a Tiger. I was thinking about starting a franchise based league. I love playing in them for the "realism" plus the ability to play your favorite team. The trick is making it fair. I played in Page2's league and I took the Braves because my favorite team (Cardinals) had such bad starting pitching as to be practically unplayable. That fairness factor can be handled by rules that allow teams with less salary to play with more options for filling up the roster. Upping the limit on former players or free agents for example. Or maybe having a live draft for a couple slots on the roster where the weaker teams get to pick higher.

The 80's game lends itself to a pretty fun franchise based league too. You pick a franchise and any player that is carded to your team in any of his 5 seasons is available for you to draft. So that creates some competition in the draft of course as most of the players played for more than one team, but each team usually also has several career types like Ripken, Yount or O. Smith that belong to the franchise solely.
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Postby mbrake » Thu Jun 19, 2008 2:47 pm

[quote:27b9dc5ba3="tommyv2005"]Anyone know of leagues where owners take an entire team from a season and manage it? Example, 1969 season, someone manages the mets, the cubs, etc. In a 12 team league most likely there won't be any dog teams. It would give one the chance to use manager skills over GM skills and one could say hey this is how I would have taken the 69 mets to the WS[/quote:27b9dc5ba3]

Check out Reality Bites 2007 League post for close option that might interest you.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Fri Jun 20, 2008 2:57 am

Just a minor correction; Ozzie Smith played for the Padres and Cardinals.
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