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Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:11 am
by Palmtana
I think you already have plenty of slugging for your park so Fielder isn't needed. If its between he and Peavy I would go Billingsley to Peavy then drop one of your cheap R-2R RP's and get Haren (5 BPHR's on his bad side) or Lowe from Glavine (a lefty with a not good card).
I would upgrade 2nd. Iguchi to Phillips or Hudson. Right now you don't have much protection vs. LHP. Phillips will help there. Then after dropping the RP, you'll have enough to go Billingsley and Glavine >>> Vazquez/Lowe/Haren.
Dunn >>> DH with more hits. If no upgrade is available for Lewis in LF, he can leadoff vs. RHP. Taveras is sometimes available after drafts. Get him from Matthews if so. Anyone else miss berce.

Sun Jun 08, 2008 10:49 am
by durantjerry
I play Fenway often as I live in Boston and I play it as a pitching/defense park. I am usually successful when I manage to place 4-6 in offense and 1-4 in pitching. You should really usually have no LH starters IMO except maybe a Bedard type. Maybe one LH if two PNC's in your division. Kazmir is a maybe, but I think he is too hittable for RH hitters with his almost 1.40 WHIP.
Almost all your hitters aren't ideal in your park. Two or three of Chipper, Dunn and Helton should go IMO. Helton is actually the type of guy you want for a LH hitter, but I can never bring myself to spend that much cash for someone who won't be your best player. To pick Fielder would be terrible IMO. For one, you already have Helton and there are many other holes to fill and the LH power hitter is not the way to go there. Dunn is really a must go IMO. Chipper could work if he sees a lot of RH, but I always go by the adage that your most expensive player should be suited to your park. I would definetly grab Peavy, as I think your offense is awful as it stands and your main chance of success lies in a strong pitching staff. Your offense looks like one I would have if there were a PNC and two Citizens with 75% RH SP's. The good thing about Fenway is that it is possible to scrape together a decent offense without having any real star players. Given a choice between Hudson and Phillips for 2B, I would take Loretta. Phillips is good, but more of a hitting park guy with his power. Like Chipper, Phillips' value will not be maximized playing in Fenway. I don't like Hudson for his pricetag.
for the record...

Sun Jun 08, 2008 3:44 pm
by the splinter
[quote:f0f9412f12]I'm leaning towards Fielder: not much difference (other than lotsa walks) to Ortiz, plus he's a RHB[/quote:f0f9412f12]
Nope he bats LH

Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:49 pm
by geekor
I've been playing in Busch/Fenway for the majority of my teams, so I'll give you what I'd do (which doesn't mean it's right). i'd drop FRod and his high whip for either a .50 SP only, or a cheaper RP in the mold of chulk, or a HArd R to face RH only. I've gotten by with 4 relief pitchers only consistently, especially on teams with good SP that you have.
Use that money and better that offense, See if any of the high BA guys are left, like Hopper or Schumaker in the OF. Wells 1 in CF is nice, but he hasn't hit worth a damn for me even with that. Ortiz rocks no matter what, Atkins is decent vs R. i'm not fond of Guillen much, but not sure what else is out there? I wish Pete would have updated Berce with new code..... who is left at 1b, 2b, C and CF

Sun Jun 08, 2008 7:56 pm
by geekor
If I were you to get more batting I might be willing to put Pence in CF. Also i'd much prefer Keppinger at 2b if you're playing a 3 there, could lead him off vs R, bat him lower vs L.
Man the normal guys I like are pretty much gone though, tough picking out there.

Sun Jun 08, 2008 11:46 pm
by Palmtana
Right now you have a 2,3,4 and a 5 in the infield. Not going to cut it. Of the 1B's you listed I would get Kotchman from Ortiz. He has 1 defense and plenty of 2B's, which is what you need to concentrate on more than the HR's which you currently have. Use the found money to get a 2 in CF and drop a digit or 2 or 3 off of another infield position. Schumaker rocks.