N.L.-Only No DH 2007 Player Set League - Full

N.L.-Only No DH 2007 Player Set League - Full

Postby Al Hogg » Tue Jun 10, 2008 3:38 am

League name: Iron Man League

Optional team name theme: Something to do with Marvel Comics characters

National League players only (based on the team they ended the season with that is listed with the players' name in Strat-o-Matic)

No DH.

Salary cap: $80 million.

(Be forewarned, however, the most that 12 teams could spend on the initial lineup set - including two catcher-eligible hitters, 12 other hitters, and 11 pitchers, including 5 starters and 4 pure relievers, for each team, would be $78,875,000 per team. If you go "dumpster diving" for value players in early rounds you likely will not be able to come close to the $80 million mark.)

Waiver wire.

5%/10%/20% drop penalties - although there won't be many NL players above the minimum salary left on the free agent board after the season starts.

24-round live snake draft on the www.somdraft.com site. Draft will include 23 players and one unique NL stadium (so 12 of the 16 NL stadiums/stadia will be used).

After everyone's on board for the first round, four-hour draft time limit enforced from 10 a.m.-10 p.m. Eastern Monday through Friday. (But proxies are [b:ade07f8d30]highly[/b:ade07f8d30] encouraged to move the draft along - as is weekend progress.)

Last two rounds will be autodrafted.

Once you choose a player, you have to take him in the autodraft, unless you can arrange a trade beforehand. The only exceptions are obvious mistakes, such as choosing an AL player who was not excluded from the draft set. (If you, say, mix up Shawn Hill and Rich Hill, too bad, as your choice might have affected other team's proxies.)

Draft order and divisions set based on pick three lottery the day the draft fills (as long as numbers for states for the final pickers have not been drawn at the time they enter their state). First round draft order is in descending order of the pick three numbers. To assign divisions, the numbers are reversed and the lowest four are in the East, the second four are in the Central, and the highest four are in the West. In case of ties, we'll look at the prior day's pick three numbers for that state and take however many digits required to break the tie.

Anything missing?

Oh, yeah, it's a fun bunch of team owners who tend to have lively message boards. About half of us have been in leagues together since the 2002 player set, with a few great, more recent additions into the mix.

1. Al Hogg - Fla. Cash 3
2. SGT D (BED)- NY
3. Meat - NH
4. Calbatross - LA
5. TomSiebert - NJ
6. Curt (Moneymaze) - IL Evening
7. Jason Clinkscales - MA
8. Turtle - TX
9. Mark (Kramed) - KS
10. Paul Gough - [b:ade07f8d30]Need State[/b:ade07f8d30]
Last edited by Al Hogg on Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Al Hogg
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby JAMESZIMMER » Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:06 am

I'm in. I'll take California.
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Postby LANCEBOUSLEY » Tue Jun 10, 2008 11:03 am

1. Al Hogg - Fla. Cash 3
2. SGT D (BED)- NY
3. Meat - NH
4. Calbatross - LA
5. TomSiebert - NJ
6. Curt (Moneymaze) - IL Evening
7. Jason Clinkscales - MA
8. Turtle - TX
9. Mark (Kramed) - KS
10. Paul Gough - Need State
11. zim13 - CA
12. akindian(freshmeat) - WA

never played with this bunch so this sounds interesting.
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Postby MEAT » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:07 pm

can we just assign Paul a state? what's his status, and everyone else for starting the draft? everyone here familiar with major deegan's draft sight and how to use it. Al, you gonna set up the draft, wanna make me and whoever else volunteers adminstrators so we can start eliminating/excluding A.L. players? those of us excluding, please be EXTRA careful, we all tend to mistakenly exclude a player or two who shouldn't and its a ROYAL pain to get them re-instated.
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Postby MEAT » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:09 pm

btw, if you haven't seen it, IRON MAN is perhaps the best picture so far this year, every bit as good as the best in the spiderman series, and HULK and dark knight and any other super hero based films are in deep doo doo that it came out earlier, because they'll pale by comparison. (and Im not even a big fan of the genre, or even bob (don't call me Morton) Downy jr.)
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Postby MEAT » Tue Jun 10, 2008 12:10 pm

also, now that we're full, should we start a thread on individual chat, or just keep everyting here...
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Postby Al Hogg » Tue Jun 10, 2008 8:42 pm

Welcome back, Zim! I don't recall how long it's been since you were in one of our leagues.

And welcome "Record Breaking Perennial All Star" akindian!

Here is what Tom Siebert noted regarding Paul on our current league message board:

[quote:49eb501e50]"Paul is in SC on vacation, will return next week. Has sporadic email contact. Has committed to play, but not picked a state. I will keep you all posted."[/quote:49eb501e50]

Paul, who goes by the handle pjredsoxfan, has picked Massachusetts in the past:


Jason has picked Massachusetts, however, so we can't go with that.

If his e-mail access is sporadic, anyway, we might not get very far this week even if he picks a state and we get the draft order.

Meat, I am all for you setting up the site, as I will be traveling tomorrow and Thursday. But, of course, we need the draft order to do that.

Also, Meat, feel free to start an Iron Man League thread on the Individual League board and post the link to it back here.
Al Hogg
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Postby JAMESZIMMER » Wed Jun 11, 2008 3:06 am

Good to be back. I just missed a couple of leagues in the past so I'm glad I made this one.
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Touching Base

Postby TomSiebert » Thu Jun 12, 2008 4:40 am

Just wanted to check in here, mostly to let everybody know I'm paying attention and to welcome back Zim, who was always an interesting correspondent and will make a good accompanying Bosox fan for Paul, when he hoists his flag.

Amazingly, comic book fan that I am, I've not seen Iron Man, despite the universal acclaim of critics and normal people everywhere. And now I've missed the zeitgeist....did see Speed Racer (liked it, mostly) and Indiana Jones (liked the first 20 minutes).

I fly to France for the Cannes Advertising Festival Saturday night, will be incommunicado through Sunday night, then sporadic throughout the week. I will be able to check in once a day or so, however, and should not impede the draft.

Has somebody added Jason to the draft site? Is Paul still registered there? Has anyone culled out AL players? Just checking.....

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I've Set Up a Thread on the Individual League Board

Postby Al Hogg » Thu Jun 12, 2008 9:38 pm


I've made the executive decision to give Paul the state of Maine. We'll go with Friday's numbers and set up the draft site this weekend.
Al Hogg
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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