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Advice on team

Thu Jul 03, 2008 12:04 pm
by Madigan33
This league has already started. I am looking for any advice on what I did wrong. I have scored 120 runs and given up 120, yet I am 6 games under .500.
A-Rod is underperforming but playing better. My relief pitchers keep getting shelled so I dropped Fuentes and Atchison for Street.
Any insight is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Thu Jul 03, 2008 3:58 pm
by thisisray
just a few quick thoughts:
1. buck is a waste of money. not the best defense and high injury.
2. johnson will do well in your park but i feel that u could get a pitcher that could perform just as well or close to as well for a lot less money.
3. seems like you have a lot of guys with high injury and not very good backups. next time if you get guys with higher injury get some decent backups.
4. its still early in the season so dont worry about your record so far. arod will come around but u better hope him and pena have great seasons if you want to stay competitive offensively.

Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:18 am
by durantjerry
I don't really like your pitchers, but they are doing well, so that is not the problem. An ERA under 4.00 and an amazing two unearned runs through 36 games points the finger at your offense. You basically have two real good hitters not really suited for your park and a bunch of not-so-good and injury prone players. IMO, the too many not-so-good players in supporting roles is the problem, which is directly related to the big $$$ you spent on your big boppers. There are a lot of holes in that lineup, especially if AROD and Pena are not crushing the ball.

Mon Jul 07, 2008 9:34 pm
by Madigan33
Thanks for the insight.