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New Team, Questions.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:14 pm
by JdEarly

All right, guys. This team is in AT&T Park. I figured I would ask your advice on what to do with this roster. I'm comfortable with Chris Young, Scott Kazmir, and Jeremy Guthrie in the rotation, but do you have any thoughts for cheap replacements for Laffey and Gabbard? I could even take three starters in those spots and play the matchups.

McCann, Matsui, Vizquel and Rowand are strong up the middle. I know I need a better defensive backup at 2B because of Matsui's injury roll, but I'm not sure who to grab. Biggio and Bartlett aren't going to be on the final roster.

The infield corners are the guys I meant to draft. I like Loney's batting average and range in the field. He's also plus in the clutch. Atkins isn't optimal in the field, but with 60+ XBH and over 600 plate appearances, I think his price tag is pretty fair. Anybody you guys would put in there, keeping the budget in mind?

Gary Sheffield and Corey Hart both have 20/20 skills, but I'm not sold on either one of them. Was thinking about trying to pick up Matt Holliday through waivers, while dumping Sheff. Thoughts on that?

I'm also looking at Heath Bell for the bullpen, getting rid of Benoit.

Let me know what you guys think. I hope this team is built well enough to make some noise, but there are always people out there who can notice things that the manager might be blind to. Let me have it. Thanks.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:46 pm
by geekor
Like I'm going to give you advice again so you can walk all over me!!! :P

Well since I'm not in your division this time... lol

Nothing wrong with your idea, if you are lucky enough to get Holliday do it, he will hit well anywhere! Loney has been the best 1b period for me in pitcher parks, D Young makes a great cheap DH, and of course you can see how well Bell does (assuming you pick him up). I'm not particularly fond of Matsui, but it's not the worst thing. Hart on the other hand, I think should go as well, just not strong enough against RHP, for less money and about the same production I'd prefer Winn.

I like your team overall, I'd like it more if there was a leadoff hitter on the roster and another LH batter (assuming you get Holliday). I think McCann will underperform, and though 2 times is a small sample size, Rowand has yet to perform even close to what he should for me, still gotta keep him.

After making those changes, I don't know how much $$ you will have left. Depending on how you want to go, 4 man or 5 man, I mean Shields, Verlander, Lilly still left, or Hamels, Gallardo on the other side.

Either way looks like a strong foundation.

btw, damn, how come no league I was in had those FA's.... jebus Utley, Ortiz, Posada, Arod, Fielder plus the guys mentioned above. If only.... lol

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 4:57 pm
by JdEarly
No kidding on the free agents... the one thing that makes Holliday my main target is the need for a leftfielder. I would take A-Rod or Ortiz or Utley or Posada in a heartbeat!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:23 am
by JdEarly
Thanks for the feedback, guys. I've got my eye on a few different players at the moment. Waivers clear at 2pm tomorrow.

Re: New Team, Questions.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:54 pm
by Rant

do you have any thoughts for cheap replacements for Laffey and Gabbard? I could even take three starters in those spots and play the matchups[/quote:6a29251eb9]

Gabbard's pretty good for your park. He gives up a bit too much ob versus righties, but his DPs make up for it some. For the price, I don't think you'll find much better.

If you want cheaper than Laffey -- and there are plenty of better options for you -- I might try Jimenez, Marquis, or Felix Hernandez. There are some other half-decent options, but they're all risks.

[quote:6a29251eb9]I'm also looking at Heath Bell for the bullpen, getting rid of Benoit. [/quote:6a29251eb9]

Heath Bell should do quite well for you if you can pick him up. If you need to save money, some of the guys a tier down and even two tiers down can do almost as well.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:27 pm
by geekor
nice thing about strat, is there is 1000 ways to skin a cat so to speak.

But for what I would do, is Pickup Willits (snelling backup) for my DH (someone has to leadoff), then upgrade McCann to Posada and Kemp as my RF. Then you would have Willits, Posada, Holliday, Kemp, Loney, Atkins, Rowand, Vizquel, Matsui..... pretty damn stacked lineup.

That should net you another mil or 2 which should go back into pitching.

btw, for a RP under 1 mil, Rodney is a great bargain, don't know why you dropped him...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:32 pm
by geekor
what I mean is if you average out the ratings for Ortiz, McCann, Young and Posada, Kemp, Willits, these are the averages of those 2 groups

Group Left-HIT/OB/TB/HR : Right-HIT/OB/TB/HR
OMY 27.5/33.8/45/2.77 : 26.5/37.87/48.3/4.17
PKW 35.9/47.9/47.57/1.53 : 31.13/45.13/43.1/1.7

Yes you lose a lot of natural power, but gain a lot of pure hits/OB. Kind of a toss up in reality.... definitely your choice, just giving other options.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 4:43 pm
by JdEarly
I'm interested in Kemp, but I have had both Posada and Willits WAY under perform for me. Is that a regular thing, or just a coincidence?

Wound up with Bell, too. A rotation with Young, Kazmir, Gabbard, Hernandez and Wakefield doesn't look too shabby to me with the bullpen the way it is. I'll try a little more restructuing, though.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 6:27 pm
by Palmtana
I've had Willits on one team and he went .287-.372. So he is capable. I'm glad you kept Gabbard. He's gone 17-6 and 10-4 (90 games) for me. Lots of walks vs. RH and switch hitters. I read a long time ago on the boards that you can get away with walks in a pitchers park. My experience has been that it is true.