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Coors Team Advice

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 7:57 pm
by Delbird
Building a team for Coors Field and I currently have Crawford, Rowand, and Bradley in my outfield - good or bad? I like Crawford for his defense and speed and Bradley is a strong hitter yet injury prone. If there are power hitting right handed outfielders that are lesser fielders (maybe even a 4), is it worth the drop in defense for the right handed power? The team's not complete yet (15 players via live draft), but my infield has Berkman, Loretta, Rollins, and Belte, with Johjima catching. As an example, would Sheffield, Lee, Burrell, or Gutierrez be better for Coors? Ludwick? I could look to trade Crawford for a RH power hitter, or just drop him, but that seems extreme considering his value. Maybe Crawford, Rowand, and Bradley are a good fit. Any thoughts on building a Coors team is appreciated - based on the players I've got so far.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:02 pm
by JdEarly
Go to the schedule for your league and right click on your team name. Copy the shortcut, and paste it in this thread. That way, we can all look at your team and give you advice from there. I'll be back on later to check the whole thing out and see what I can do for ya.

All I read was that you have Crawford, Rowand, and Bradley in the outfield. I think that's a GREAT outfield, but that Bradley is gonna be on the shelf for extended periods of time. In Coors, the guy should rake, so I would see if you can get a serviceable backup for when he's hurt.

I'll write more later.

PostPosted: Tue Jul 08, 2008 9:10 pm
by Delbird
I'll be able to post a link once the final 10 players are drafted via the auto draft - only have 15 so far. Could be a day or two until the final players are drafted. Thanks for the initial thoughts.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:50 am
by Delbird
Here's the pre-waivers version of my team: [url][/url]

Still concerned about Bradley's injury factor, especially after reading the Bradley thread.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 9:53 am
Here is my team, I went with Defense, Speed and Strikeout pitchers. I like this team as it can Bunt, H&R, and Steal with a little power and high OBP. This team was built thru a live draft and NL Only Players with unique stadiums so no one has the same stadium. Good Luck. SGT D

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 12:26 pm
by geekor
what is your current batting order for this team?

I don't see whose leading off and batting 2nd? I don't see guys I'd typically use in these spots. Coors is still neutral to hitting, having speed without OBP doesn't really do much in these types of parks.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:06 pm
by Delbird
[quote:eabe07a87c="geekor"]what is your current batting order for this team?

I don't see whose leading off and batting 2nd? I don't see guys I'd typically use in these spots. Coors is still neutral to hitting, having speed without OBP doesn't really do much in these types of parks.[/quote:eabe07a87c]

My tentative order would be:
SS Rollins
LF Crawford
RF Bradley
1B Berkman
CF Rowand
3B Beltre
C Johjima
2B Loretta
Pitcher (since it's a no-DH league)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:33 pm
by geekor
I thought the Tour rules were no asking for help, gotta do it on your own :P ;)

If it were me (and then I have no fear of injury prone players, so take it as my opinion only)..... I would play Berk in RF, grab Loney for 1b and get Matsui/German platoon for 2b.

then you could go (vs R) Matsui, Berkman, Bradley, Loney, Rowand, Rollins, Beltre, Johima (last 2 not sure on).

Well maybe not exactly that.... but something like that. My thinking is Rollins is a waste at leadoff. He has but 35L and 30R OB. But he has 30 hits and 50 tb (roughly) vs both sides, much better used in driving runs in. Crawford, at 37/35 OB is better, but still I aim for 45+ at least in the 40's for my leadoff men. Bradley and Berkman both have lower DP's as well as more OB, so I want that in the 2/3 spots. then in the 4/5/6 spots you want people to drive them in, Rowand, Rollins and.... need one more which where were loney came in. I guess if you upgraded to Mauer that could work as well and keep Crawford for leadoff.. about the same as Matsui. Just looking to see what's available.

Then that would be Crawford, Berkman, Bradley, Rowand, Rollins, Mauer, Beltre, 2b, P

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:35 pm

Sorry, I forgot to post the link. SGT D

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2008 2:06 pm
by Delbird
Thanks for the feedback, it's the first time I've asked for any because I just had a gut feel that my team may not match real good with Coors. It's good to see how someone else perceives it. I'll study my options based on your advice....