On my 2003 team, Guiel was on first (the only runner) with two out and Difelice was batting. Bottom of fourth, winning 3-2.
Guiel was set at "don't steal" and Difelice at "don't hit and run" and "don't bunt." Guiel: stealing-(D) 2-5/8,10 (13-5). Difelice: H&R- D, bunting- D.
The manager settings were "steal normal" and "hit and run conservative." I can't remember what bunting was, but it was definitely not "very aggressive" (and there were two out).
The opposing battery was a minus-4 hold and a plus-one throw.
Then this:
J.Randa 4 Line Out b-0
S.Finley 6 Fly Out b-0
A.Guiel 3 Single b-1
1 Caught Stealing 1-o
So what happened? Was the 2003 game less reliable for manager's settings? Was it something on the cather's card? Or what?