This is a themed league (Formally the Epheus Longballers league) (Cellulite Longballers League)
Same as last year:
*The Citizens Bank Bombers League
*All Pitchers 2m or under..Total pitching staff under $20M
*Advanced-- auto Draft
*Weighted waivers/DH/80M
*Free Agent Drop Penalty 5/10/20
*All Teams at Citizens Bank Ballpark
1. Puckin Drunk
2. Frank M
3. Doc Tax
4. Ehlekev
5. Visick
6. LM Bombers
7. Geekor
It was a lot of fun last 2 years:
Haven't been around much lately, but thought this would be fun once again this year.
Check in and let me know if you guys are up to it. Haven't looked back to see who has been in it the last couple years besides the ones listed above. This will be a private league that is password protected but open to all who are interested.
I will check back later to see if there is any interest in this again this year.