Brett Boone and SPAM

Brett Boone and SPAM

Postby The Biomechanical Man » Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:55 pm
Last edited by The Biomechanical Man on Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:55 pm, edited 5 times in total.
The Biomechanical Man
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Postby JOELKING » Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:09 am

That is very lame, if you got problem with someone, I suggest PM them here on the boards, and settle it like that...
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Postby Jerlins » Mon Dec 12, 2005 1:44 am

Perhaps it is better to discuss this privately. I don't see the point in bringing this to public forums, unless the intent was to embarress him, which if so, shame on you. I've read the other threads and actually understand both sides of the story.

In most of the leagues I've entered, the messaging has been few and far between, which for me, is too bad, because I love the banter and the trash talking and wish there was more of it. Others prefer just simply to play the game without any recaps of the days events, and that isn't so wrong either. He and many others prefer it that way and there is no need not to respect his wishes.

I've played with PBTR in one league and found him to be nothing less than respectful. He even took the time to congratulate myself and one other in my division for a well played season, which is something I rarely if ever see in any of the leagues I've participated in. Folks have different ways of having fun, folks have ways of interacting with others. He prefers it one way, you another, it doesn't make either side wrong.
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Ninja Attempt #2

Postby CHARLESBELL » Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:01 am

Darn, and I thought I'd successfully ninjaed this post into a discussion on the merits of boone in MM.

He is still sucking for me, cummings2, and is now hurt with his backup hitting .313 (T perez). I'm staying with boone just to say I gave him a chance over a full season (and because you and PBTR like him so much - need someone to blame ya know :wink: ), but he's not going to be anywhere near the top of my list of 2b in the future- unless he brings this team into the post season, which is still a big ? right now.
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Postby milezd » Mon Dec 12, 2005 11:24 am

I am in this league and I have no problem with it, some people like to chat, that's ok, I just ignore it and delete it if I don't want to read it
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Loony Samurai Chop-Chop #2

Postby cummings2 » Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:08 pm

Aha! the doubtful about Boonie arise again! eh, Charlie?

Well, let's see, I just noticed that indeed Boone is down in your team...but the guy is made of nothing but muscles, when asked in the clubhouse by Jeannie Zelasko about his injury he said: " :roll: OMG, like I should be down for like something like three games you know because like really I don't see myself like missing more than like three games in a row :roll: " So there you go, in his own words...well sort of. (If there was an emoticon for chewing gum like a 10 year old I would've included it here so as for you to get a sense of the tone)

Now the [u:50c0938e8a][b:50c0938e8a]real[/b:50c0938e8a][/u:50c0938e8a] question is yet to be debated...Why do we keep talking about Boone and Spam in the same thread????

No, it isn't because of how the twins feel today (even though it IS funny to think that the twinkies feel like spam -what a messed up world)

No, it isn't because we are refering to the sum of the entire intellectual activity of the once great second baseman while playing golf.

No, it isn't because we refering to his biceps once the "juice" stopped flowing -I am talking about carrot juice of filthy minds you.

Well the answer:

As we all know SPAM spelled backwards is MAPS and as we all know MAPS stands for Major Athlete Playing Secondbase :!:

Now, and here's where your guys' help is more than welcomed, I know that a MAC is a Major Athlete Catching, which is why I always laugh when I hear that MACs don't right click :lol:

But other than that I am really ignorant as to how to call all other postions, someone to me that Short Stops are GAS (Great Athletic Short)

I guess that in order to run a succesful franchise you need to have spam and I got this one knocked up pretty tight!
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Boonie in Coors

Postby genevajack » Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:27 pm

That's what Im talking about!!!!!!!!!!
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Postby cummings2 » Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:40 pm


Lookit that 8)

If there's one thing about you jack: You've got amazing SPAM there and some pretty snazzy GAS too :wink:

(pretty snazzy Gas...I kinda like the sound of that)
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Mon Dec 12, 2005 3:33 pm

Not bad numbers for boonie, but it is Coors and its only 42 games. Compare a couple of other 2bs I've used:

T Perez, a fav of mine - low BA but do you think boonie will match those HRs or slugging %?

And here's that "other" 2b-1 in Coors, Hudson (late add to team - got rid of Kent)

And those two compared to poor boonie on my latest struggling franchise


Oh, and how about MILF? Most Improved Left Fielder. Yea, that's what MILF means. Sure.
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Postby CHARLESBELL » Mon Dec 12, 2005 5:56 pm

I like the cool new thread title!
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