ArrylT's Best Individual Statistical Seasons

ArrylT's Best Individual Statistical Seasons

Postby ArrylT » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:15 pm

Although everyone loves to win rings - some of the best times comes from your favourite player(s) putting up great statistical seasons.

In this thread I am going to post my favourite statistical seasons from every SOM game I've played. I will usually post 1-2 hitter & pitcher seasons per card set - along with a bit of synopsis.

Feel free to post your own great statistical seasons - but be sure to include a working link & a story to share!
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Postby ArrylT » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:24 pm


I am going to start off with what I consider an amazing pitching performance, although it may not look like it.

[url=]2001: Pedro Martinez 21-8 3.32 1.13[/url]

The impressive part about this was that [b:fd699e5dac]EVERY[/b:fd699e5dac] team in the league played in Coors Field (19/19/18/19). So thats right. Pedro Martinez pitching every single inning in Coors Field. The next closest ERA was Mariano Rivera at 4.05 (for those that qualified). Apart from leading the league in ERA Pedro also led the league in Complete Games (11) and Win % despite being a non * SP.

I also had Rivera & Percival on my squad, and led the league in Team ERA/WHIP with 5.78 / 1.61! :D
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Postby ArrylT » Sat Jul 26, 2008 1:37 pm


This team was an injury prone squad. Pretty much every single player on the team, apart from the one being featured, had at least a 3/11 injury roll. Despite not knowing who would be in the lineup with him on any given day - Luis Gonzalez, affectionately known as LuGo, put on the best statistical season I have ever had by a player in 2001, and powered my team to my best record (at the time). Unfortunately I got swept by NHL Bankruptcy managed by Gary Bettman. :lol:

[url=]2001: Luis Gonzalez 68 HR 199 RBI 1.336 Total Average[/url]

Btw no one else on the team had more than 89 RBI, which is a mere 110 less than LuGo.
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Postby ArrylT » Sat Jul 26, 2008 2:14 pm


Well this last 2001 statistical season was not on my team, but was in a league that I was in. I had Luis Gonzalez again, and he hit 77 HR & 187 RBI while playing in the Vet. However it does not compare to this Barry Bonds season. I don't think I've ever seen a season (in any SOM game) with more RBI & HR.

[url=]2001: Barry Bonds 112 HR 252 RBI 1.965 Total Average[/url]

Btw Barrys dominance carried through the playoffs as the team he was on won the championship with Bonds slugging 1.034 with 6 HR in 9 games.
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Postby ArrylT » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:40 pm


Unfortunately I can no longer access ATG I - otherwise that would have been next on the list.

Instead we'll start with this team which had Barry Bonds and 2 stud relievers. 2002, for those of you that do not know, was known as the year of the Super Reliever, due to the likelyhood of you being able to get 250-300+ solid innings from your R2 reliever. Here I was able to get 2 relievers to pitch a combined 440 IP for 20 wins & 42 saves. Both relievers had more IP than any of my SP.

Also Bonds came pretty close to a triple crown. Although I guess if a triple crown was Runs, AVG & HR then he would have won, but alas it is RBI not runs. In any case this was the most runs scored by any player I had had up to that point.

[url=]2002: Bonds 172 Runs Scored & 2 Stud RP with 440 IP[/url]
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Postby ArrylT » Sat Jul 26, 2008 3:50 pm


Here is a Triple Crown season by Barry Bonds, along with another somewhat successful Super RP performance. It was not hard in 2002 to get winning records if you combined the right R2 & bats in the right park.

Dotel leads the team in Wins, Saves, IP & Ks. All for 6.75m - try and find an RP who can do that for you today. ;) Interestingly enough my favourite R2 was not Dotel but Cordero - but this seasons Cordero was not up to his usual stuff. However they still combined for 25 wins & 39 Saves along with 417 IP. I think the most impressive stat by Bonds was his 20 RC/27, almost 2x as much as the next hitter.

[url=]2002: Bonds 167 Runs, 66 HR 153 RBI & 2 Stud RP[/url]
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Postby ArrylT » Sat Jul 26, 2008 8:52 pm


Here is the last 2002 season I'll share - but it is one of my favourites, maybe because it won me a championship. ;) It was a fun theme too - every player that you drafted HAD to be traded/released by the end of the pre-season. So NONE of the players on your draft card would be on your roster that season. Most owners drafted 'junk', but I drafted some valuable players that wouldnt fit into my park and traded them for players that would. ;)

Anyways this season had some very solid offensive numbers, including 5 bats that scored 100+ runs & 8 that hit 20+ HR, but mainly I will remember it for Andy Pettitte. Oh and the Dotel/Durschurer combo sure helped as well. ;) The three of them combined for a 48-17 record (.740).
And they were pitching at The Ballpark. :)

[url=]2002: Andy Pettitte 19-5 3.62 1.33 [/url]
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Postby durantjerry » Sun Jul 27, 2008 2:05 pm

Tim Raines as Ty Cobb in Fenway Park in the 80's game:
Randy Johnson as Grover Cleveland Alexander in 2004:
41 30 8 0 358.0 203 57 62 403 1.43 .74
12 Shutouts
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Postby ArrylT » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:45 pm


If you're familiar with the Back To The Eighties card set then you're aware that it includes the mystery card, so you are never quite certain which season your player has. I am glad they decided to reveal the seasons at the end of your teams season, as it shows some surprising results. I have seen some good card years have bad results, and like this Tim Wallach season I got - a weak card that still had a strong year!

[url=]BTT80s: 1982 Tim Wallach[/url]

Oh and a '87 Tim Burke as well. :)
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Postby ArrylT » Mon Jul 28, 2008 10:52 pm


Some times a good card will overproduce, and some times you'll just get lucky. :) As was the case with these Daniels & Davis seasons. Now if only my other guys had performed to expectations. ;)

[url=]BTT80s: '86 Daniels & '90 Davis[/url]
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