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How to pitch vs those platoon HR line-ups?

PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:19 am
There are two teams in my division ... both of the platoon HR hitting variety, but with RH batters that CRUSH lefty pitching, and LH batters that crush righty pitching.

The rest of the league is normal (as normal as SOM can be).

What's the best pitcher match-up in this instance? Reverse pitchers?


PostPosted: Tue Jul 29, 2008 7:25 am
by mfsleeze
Yes - reverse righties are probably your best way to go (if you are talking guys like Braun/Hanley/ARam I'd probably avoid having LHP against them completely). Also want to think about doing a quick hook and having a few solid middle relievers who can either force pinch hitting or these guys to hit against their weaker side (depends how much you trust HAL to make the right move for you)