by geekor » Wed Aug 13, 2008 3:06 pm
I understand your frustration, but Stoney is right. There isn't enough bullpen innings to around around to support 4 specialists. Typically, when I use them, I have at least 3 other RP's to east up innings. HAL will use those specialists in ways you don't want if he HAS to give innings to someone. My MINIMUM settings with a pair (1 vs L, 1 vs R) of specialists is either a strong closer (strong as in able to set to close and setup avoid before 8th) and an ok setup man, or a strong setup guy (like Bell) and a decent closer (Corpas, etc), plus the specialist pair, plus another RP. My fav's have been the Chulk, rodney guys, but others, like Proctor, can work too.
Then I have closer and setup, well setup, have the other RP unchecked, and the specialists set to avoid bad side, quick hook, avoid before 7th.
They will STILL face their bad side. Like I tried to allude to, the way HAL figures bullpen usage is a bit weird, but he looks at the batters coming up, and the overall taxation of RP's available to pitch that game, trying to make sure he can get thru the game. It is definitely NOT perfect, in fact far from it.Bernie has stated many times he is working on improving it, but it takes time. I would stay away from using more than one pair of specialists, and even if you do use them, you need to have at least 3 other RP's on hand to eat innings (that is unless of course you could force you SP's to pitch 7 innings a game :P)