by TefJ » Wed Aug 13, 2008 4:00 pm
I'm in that league too, rmilter, and I'm pretty sure this isn't a case of collusion (though you might as well follow geekor's suggestion of contacting TSN). The actual gain to the Bashers (the team doing the picking up) is far, far less than the loss to the team doing the dropping. He has Posada, so the upgrade from Buck (who he had) to Burke isn't that huge. He has Cabrera at third and Kelly Johnson and Jeff Kent at 2nd, so Reynolds is basically primarily a backup. Bonds will start as DH vs righties, but he has Holliday and Braun, so there's really no room for him vs lefties. Also, you'll note he picked up K-Rod just after you dropped him, as evidence that he's just paying attention. I could be wrong, but it doesn't seem like collusion to me. His team certainly has a very high monetary value, the good news is, a lot of the value he added was in his backups, which, while important, might not make enough of a difference. Anyway, just my 2 cents. I do wish I was in the Central instead of our division, though.....