Back to the 90's Wish List

Fri Aug 22, 2008 4:17 pm
by Runnin Rebel
Looking to start a little buzz to force a launch of "Back to the 90's" by starting a list of players I look forward to working into a line-up someday.
Albert Belle
David Justice
David Cone

Fri Aug 22, 2008 6:24 pm
by AeroDave10
I've got a few more for you ...
Mark Grace
Rod Beck
Paul O'Neill
Jay Buhner
Edgar Martinez
Mo Vaughn
Jack McDowell
And a personal favorite from my hometown Tribe:
Charles Nagy

Fri Aug 22, 2008 7:13 pm
by JdEarly
What about:
Roberto Alomar
Carlos Baerga
Tony Gwynn '94
Kenny Lofton
Will Clark (personal favorite)
Brady Anderson ('96 card was pretty nice)
John Wetteland
Rob Dibble
Norm Charlton
Barry Larkin
There were a lot of good players in the 90's that I will be excited about, even if we've been able to use them in the 80's or current sets.

Sat Aug 23, 2008 6:12 pm
by durantjerry
How about a back to the 80's upgrade first. No improvements since the game came out.

Sun Aug 24, 2008 2:13 am
Back to the 90s could simply be called," The steroids' Era". Because without steroids, the cards would not be the same. I still like many players from that era. Including; Gwynn,Lofton, and of course Charles Nagy(Aero Dave, I liked him too). Brady Anderson hitting 50 homers......if him and the balls were not juiced, than no one was. What a joke some of those years were. I stopped watching, it was not baseball,it was home run derby. And it was a shame, because those were some of the only years my home town team, the Cleveland Indians, were any good. I still would play a back to the 90s league,....if they choose to make one.