by AeroDave10 » Wed Aug 27, 2008 8:28 pm
I haven't had things as bad as you, Techscan, but's there's definitely something funky with the SOM website. It always says there is a problem loading the page. Sometimes I can't open a player's card while other certain programs are running. Sometimes things will just be working so slowly that I'll get frustrated and close Explorer and open it back up again, or the player's card won't load completely and I'll have to do the same. I don't usually have to re-start my computer or anything, but I definitely feel some of your pain.
Also, when I log in, it has a little "auto-login" or "remember me" or whatever button, and I always select that. However, it never remembers me once I close Explorer and open it back up again. Do I have to buy it candy and flowers to remember me or what? :roll: