Im looking into buying the CD for strato and I dont know which one to get. I know version 13 is the newest, but theres a couple different ones to choose from. Theres the Version 13.0 New:
Our latest Computer Baseball Release, containing the 2007 season rosters. Requires Windows XP or higher (Note: older operating systems might work but will not officially be supported), 800 by 600 minimum screen resolution and an internet connection.
Version 13.0 New wtih Card Image:
Our latest Computer Baseball Release, containing the 2007 season rosters. Requires Windows XP or higher (Note: older operating systems might work but will not officially be supported), 800 by 600 minimum screen resolution and an internet connection. The included Card Image Utility will allow you to directly view the printed board game card on screen within the computer software. NOTE: this option must be ordered up front, you cannot add it on to your game at a later date.
When it says "card image" is that what is seen when we look at the online cards? I dont see why thats even an option to buy the CD without the card image if that was the case. And if that is the case for what "card image" means, then how would you even play the game if you were to buy the version with out it? Pick players by just looking at the stats??
Someone help before I waste $70