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First try in Pitcher's parks

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:50 am
I am currently in the early stages of one pitchers park team in Comerica and about to start another (Busch). Am I correct in thinking that I need players with good OB and worry less about the BPHRs?

PostPosted: Thu Dec 22, 2005 11:30 am
OBP is important, just as important is natural hits and natural HRs that do not have ballpark effects.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 1:59 am
by Halo Don
OK, I am feeling really strange asking this. But, when I look at a players card how can I see if it is a BPHR or Natural HR? Also, How do I find injuries on the cards?

Yes, I am a bit green at this Strato thing.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 4:00 am
by cummings2
Ballpark homeruns are the readings on either hitter or pitcher that have a # next to the number of the roll, a direct hit HR doesn't have the #.

Injuries you can see in the hitter's card by a reading that would look like:

2 Strikeout
+ Injury

So when a player has an injury rating of 1 the "+ Injury" would be under a roll of 2 or 12, an injury rating of 2 under the rolls of 3 or 11, and so on.
If a player has an injury rating of 0 there are no "+ injury" in his card.

Pitchers have no injury reading on their card.

I hope some of this helps. I understand the getting lost with the cards' readings, I used to click on the "how to read a strat card" link almost by default everytime I looked at a card.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 23, 2005 9:53 am
by visick
Guys with 600 PA's or more can go down for 3 games max.

With less than 600 PA's, 15 games is the max.

(PA's = AB's + BB's)