Lineup Depth Chart feature

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Lineup Depth Chart feature

Postby DAVIDBERGER » Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:18 pm

Guys: A quick intro, as I have not been really public on this board. I'm David, and I'm the Director of Premium Products for that means I have some responsibility for the direction we take SOM online going forward. I welcome all of you to PM me with any thoughts you have about the game and how it can be improved. Bernie's still here as well, and remains a day to day contact, as well as our lead developer.

OK... that out of the way, here's my question of the day:

I'm looking at our site usage, and I see that not many of you use the Lineup Depth Chart features that have been in Beta for a very long time. I think they are really great, and want to make them our default tool.

Standard Lineups

Drag & Drop Depth Chart version

Tell me why you use one or the other, and why we should/shouldn't change the default view.

BTW, I don't think there's any reason we would eliminate the old version, just make it a backup option like the Depth Chart version is now.

Appreciate your thoughts.

Last edited by DAVIDBERGER on Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:32 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby geekor » Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:25 pm

I use the depth chart to set that, defensive depth.

But the standard is better for 1 reason, [b:bdb3a07edb]I can open the cards[/b:bdb3a07edb], because I don't always remember, especially with a large pool at ATG, which card is what and need to look at them to set my order.
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Postby DAVIDBERGER » Wed Oct 15, 2008 1:35 pm

[quote:49145c740c="geekor"]I use the depth chart to set that, defensive depth.

But the standard is better for 1 reason, [b:49145c740c]I can open the cards[/b:49145c740c], because I don't always remember, especially with a large pool at ATG, which card is what and need to look at them to set my order.[/quote:49145c740c]

geekor: Excellent feedback. I think we can remedy this.

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Postby AeroDave10 » Wed Oct 15, 2008 2:53 pm

Something else that has been mentioned repeatedly is that in either option there should at least be the option (though I personally think it should be the default) to display the hitters' left/right split stats for the each of the left/right lineups, respectively. Currently it shows total stats for both lineups.
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Postby LMBombers » Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:05 pm

The drag and drop depth chart is great and I use it on every team. It is the only way to guide HAL into what player to use when an in series injury occurs.

I would like to see the ability to set backups at the DH position however. What is the reason to NOT have this ability?
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Postby Madigan33 » Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:32 pm

I always use the drag and drop. You should make it the default.
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Postby Stoney18 » Wed Oct 15, 2008 3:39 pm

Drag and Drop is what I use.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:14 pm

I am in complete agreement with Geekor. I always use the standard lineup first, and then go to replacement/depth chart. If I am just switching around my batting order(and I do this a lot), I never go to depth chart. I like to be able to see the cards. Thanks for asking.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:17 pm

One more thing, why no replacement for DH? I know others have asked, but it is worth repeating. I really hope you do not do away with standard line-ups! I can not vote, because I use both, but if you are asking which should be default, I vote; standard lineups. Thank you.
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Postby DAVIDBERGER » Wed Oct 15, 2008 4:20 pm

[quote:dec57f5900="rmilter"]One more thing, why no replacement for DH? I know others have asked, but it is worth repeating. I really hope you do not do away with standard line-ups! I can not vote, because I use both, but if you are asking which should be default, I vote; standard lineups. Thank you.[/quote:dec57f5900]

Getting rid of standard lineups is not an option. They'll stay.
I will find out about the DH depth... My only guess, without consulting Bernie, is the logic to force the replace, but I've asked myself th esame question.

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