I am in your league. The SUPER advanced fielding chart is very complicated. I have it here in my hands, I wish I could fax it to you. But here goes me trying to decipher it, and copy it down for you.
Hit and Run Play:
If the single die is 1,2,or 3 you refer to Super Adv. H and R using betters hit and run rating. For a C(Weeks) it is as follows:
2) gb1B C (runner advanes, batter out)
3) Single**
4) Single**
5) LEADR(lead runner out batter safe)
6) gb2B a (double play)
7) BMP (pick card for steal result)
8) gb1B c (runner advances batter out)
9) BMP
11) BMP
12) LO DP (line out double play)
Now if the frist die roll at the beginning is a 4,5,or 6 you get the result of pitchers card in normal way. However, if a stike out, walk, single,or double occurs of pitchers card refer to SUPER ADVANCED PITCHING RESULTS HIT AND RUN CHART for final result of the play.
for a C Hit and run batter
strikeout= BMP (batter miss pitch/ runner steal result)
walk= gb2B c (runner advances)
any single= single**
any double = double**
I hope that helps. As you can imagine the results are better if the batters is an A or B hit and run guy. and if your man on base can steal. But you knew that already. Maybe if I have time, tonight I will post the WHOLE ENTIRE SUPER ADV. HIT AND RUN CHART FOR ALL LEVELS OF H AND R ABILITY A THROUGH D! I hope this helps good luck. I never really studied this chart and you asking about it, got me to thinking I should .Good luck in our league, and if you have any more questions, fire away. I have all the printed material(Super Adv) from the most recent edition of the board game!
I am in your league. The SUPER advanced fielding chart is very complicated. I have it here in my hands, I wish I could fax it to you. But here goes me trying to decipher it, and copy it down for you.
Hit and Run Play:
If the single die is 1,2,or 3 you refer to Super Adv. H and R using betters hit and run rating. For a C(Weeks) it is as follows:
2) gb1B C (runner advanes, batter out)
3) Single**
4) Single**
5) LEADR(lead runner out batter safe)
6) gb2B a (double play)
7) BMP (pick card for steal result)
8) gb1B c (runner advances batter out)
9) BMP
11) BMP
12) LO DP (line out double play)
Now if the frist die roll at the beginning is a 4,5,or 6 you get the result of pitchers card in normal way. However, if a stike out, walk, single,or double occurs of pitchers card refer to SUPER ADVANCED PITCHING RESULTS HIT AND RUN CHART for final result of the play.
for a C Hit and run batter
strikeout= BMP (batter miss pitch/ runner steal result)
walk= gb2B c (runner advances)
any single= single**
any double = double**
I hope that helps. As you can imagine the results are better if the batters is an A or B hit and run guy. and if your man on base can steal. But you knew that already. Maybe if I have time, tonight I will post the WHOLE ENTIRE SUPER ADV. HIT AND RUN CHART FOR ALL LEVELS OF H AND R ABILITY A THROUGH D! I hope this helps good luck. I never really studied this chart and you asking about it, got me to thinking I should .Good luck in our league, and if you have any more questions, fire away. I have all the printed material(Super Adv) from the most recent edition of the board game!