I wanna start playin Strato online......

I wanna start playin Strato online......

Postby blckndgldfn » Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:12 pm

Just lookin' for the best way ta go about doin' this..........should I buy the software from Strato?...........pay the $12 that SportingNews wants me to pay to join some random league on here?...............somebody gimme some good advice......I got the next year off from work and I'm bored as hell !!!!!!!!!
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Postby blckndgldfn » Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:21 pm

I mean I hesitate ta pay the $12 that Sporting News seems to be charging if I'm jus gunna get plopped in some sucky league and have no decision in it
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Postby AeroDave10 » Thu Nov 06, 2008 2:28 pm

I would check around the different forums here at TSN and try to find a league that is asking for people to sign up. That seems to draw a little bit more fun and competition than public leagues. Either way, I would say that almost never you will be in a "sucky" league. You may have a "sucky" team, but TSN has made the SOM online game very competitive while maintaining excellent parity. There seems to be more communication and trading here, too. Just an opinion from someone who's been active on this site over the last year.

P.S. I would love to be able to take a year off from work!!
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Postby blckndgldfn » Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:03 pm

Ya......I'm guna really try ta enjoy my self.....half way thru my career and hafta take the nex 12 months off.........don't go back till next October............still not sure from your post weather I should or need to buy the software to be able to play Strato on this site or if I can jus pay that $12 fee and play using Sporting News's software :?:
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Postby wavygravy2k » Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:11 pm

If you join an online league, you will be using Sporting News software. Games are run around 9 PM PT.

If you have changes to make to your lineups, pitchers and managing style, make them by 7 pm PT on game day in order for them to take effect.
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Postby blckndgldfn » Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:15 pm

I'm tryin' ta join one of these free trial leagues on here ta see wut up with the interface, useablity and competition............but it seems like they fill up REAL slow :(
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Postby Palmtana » Thu Nov 06, 2008 3:48 pm

The free trial leagues (2003 Season) probably fill slowly but the one currently filling already has 9 players.
12 are needed for a league.

[url=http://fantasygames.sportingnews.com/baseball/stratomatic/2003/draft/league_join_list_all.html]Here is the page where you[/url] [i:e8d57af228]Join a Private Free Trial League[/i:e8d57af228], if you haven't already found it.

Free Trial League [b:e8d57af228]51923[/b:e8d57af228] is the one you want to join. The trial leagues play 21 games (3 games/night) so they are over in 1 week. The later 200X versions have more bells and whistles as far as the interface goes, but the game is still the same. If you want to play one of the older half-price (12.50) games those leagues take anywhere from 2-4 weeks to fill.
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Postby blckndgldfn » Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:02 pm

[quote:87b53bdab4="Palmtana"]The free trial leagues (2003 Season) probably fill slowly but the one currently filling already has 9 players.
12 are needed for a league.

[url=http://fantasygames.sportingnews.com/baseball/stratomatic/2003/draft/league_join_list_all.html]Here is the page where you[/url] [i:87b53bdab4]Join a Private Free Trial League[/i:87b53bdab4], if you haven't already found it.

Free Trial League [b:87b53bdab4]51923[/b:87b53bdab4] is the one you want to join. The trial leagues play 21 games (3 games/night) so they are over in 1 week. The later 200X versions have more bells and whistles as far as the interface goes, but the game is still the same. If you want to play one of the older half-price (12.50) games those leagues take anywhere from 2-4 weeks to fill.[/quote:87b53bdab4]

Thanx for the info Palm.........I'm one of the teams that's already joined up and waiting in that league.................I guess the biggest question I have is.........what is the best advice on how to start playing strato online.....what do you all think the best advice is for someone like me who doesn't even have any of the software yet........such as...should I buy the software or jus use what they have online....if I should buy the software, what version and where do ya suggest I look to buy it and what should I expect to realisticaly spend and does it have to be delivered thru snail mail or can I download it right from whoever I buy it off of

Basicly......I know I want to play strato online......I want the experience to be as enjoyable as possible.....and I want to start as quickly as possible......I appreciate any help :)
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Postby Palmtana » Thu Nov 06, 2008 4:33 pm

There is no additional software you need to purchase or download in order to play the online version of Strat. The game software comes with the purchase (free trial also) I guess you could say.

You are good to go. You've drafted your team. Put it in a league. Now all you have to do is wait for the league to fill and then it's on to waivers etc...
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Postby thisisray » Thu Nov 06, 2008 6:11 pm

a year to just play strat....my dream life!!!
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