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GB(x)A+ and Do Not Steal

Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:57 am
If one clicks Don't steal does that negate the beneficial effect of the (*) rating on whether the player will be taking a lead when they reach 1st base.
If the player batting behind hit a GB(x)A+, would it be a single because the runner on base was not going to be attempting to steal?

Sun Dec 07, 2008 5:49 pm
by durantjerry
It is my understanding the GB(A)+ does not have the effect you think in the super adavcanced rules.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:20 pm
If a player has any ability to steal he will be ,"held". Therefore certain ground ball A++ will result in singles. It does not really matter if you are attempting to steal, if the defense views the player as a threat to steal,..he will be held! And in that case certain ground ball A++ will be singles.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 7:44 pm
by durantjerry
Someone posted years ago that the A++ is not a single in the super advanced rules, which SOMO uses.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:25 pm
by mesquiton
I don't know the answer, but I recall marcus wilby always favored having lots of (*) base-stealers, for the reasons noted by sponedal and rmilter...don't know of any other purpose for the (*).
It's never been clear to me to what extent TSN uses the "super-advanced" rules...even Bernie has often seemed uncertain. I've seen posts that most of them are used, but maybe not all.
My impression is that SOMO kinda came up with its own hybrid set of rules when the game engine was programmed, Bernie generally tries to implement the "super-advanced" rules, but even he doesn't know all that's hidden in the code.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 8:56 pm
by durantjerry
The * causes a runner to be held on, which decreases defensive ratings in the IF. I believe this is why the GBA+ is not a single, as you get the benefit of decreased defensive ratings. I post this based on other posts by knoledgable players I have read over the years.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 9:10 pm
by mesquiton
That would make sense to me. So, even tho not an automatic single on the gbA+, there would be an advantage to the offense whenever a * runner is in steal position, even if set to no steal...? Does the gbA+ ever have any effect at all...e.g., infield-in plays?

Mon Dec 08, 2008 10:06 am
by Eddie E
When a runner is held the responsible IF (2B for rh batter, ss for lh batter) and the 1b drop one level in range. The + only comes into play if an infielder is playing "in" defensively. The groundball A (being a sharply hit ball) becomes a **Single shooting past the drawn in infielder.

Mon Dec 08, 2008 5:10 pm
by mesquiton

Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:52 am
by coyote303
In addition to a fielder dropping a rating, I believe there are # symbols for some results on the superadvanced fielding chart that result in a single if a runner is held and/or infield in.
However, in superadvanced rules GB A+ as stated above is only a single if infield is in.
You can be pretty sure they are using these rules if you've ever seen a "1" infield give up a single--something not possible in the basic game. (I've seen this as have others.)