2007 Kevin Slowey - Pitcher's park bargin

2007 Kevin Slowey - Pitcher's park bargin

Postby wavygravy2k » Mon Dec 29, 2008 6:44 pm

He's performed pretty well for me - so far.

3.13 ERA
1.34 WHIP


4.30 ERA
1.41 WHIP


5.20 ERA
1.33 WHIP



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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

Postby JKolak » Tue Dec 30, 2008 7:59 am

There are more diamonds on his card than you would find in most jewelry stores. Would have made a great hitter's card for his nickel salary (.50M). Good find! Nice WHIP. Decent ERA.

Proceed with caution may be the operable word. If my division was loaded with hitter's parks, I would drop this guy like he were hot ice (too many ball park home run effects). Too many hitter's parks would put the ERA of Slowey very quickly into the upper reaches of the stratosphere.
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Postby Eddie E » Tue Dec 30, 2008 5:22 pm

I used him only as a mop up guy in RFK with unbelievable success considering his card. It's weird but I have found in each set guys who consistently overperform their card and others who underperform regardless of ballpark. Has anyone else had Bobby Seay only to see his 4/5 get rolled every other game? I have had it happen to me with Seay and have benefitted from someone else bringing Seay into a game by rolling his 4/5. I have always felt that some cards get copied into the TSN version incorrectly but have no proof.

Eddie E
Posts: 55
Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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