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Injury Probabilities for Pitchers

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 8:59 am
by maligned
How do the injury probabilities come out for pitchers? Are there certain pitchers that are protected against 15-game injuries? I know hitters with more than 600 plate appearances can only have a max injury length of 3 games. Does something similar apply to pitchers?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 11:20 am
by Assmeriten
In a DH league if the DH is up and the roll is 6:12 the other teams pitcher is injured. In a NON-DH league the pitcher is injured when batting and the roll is 2:2 (unless the pitchers hitting cards have changes since I last saw them.) The only pitchers that are protected are * pitchers with 200+ innings pitched. They can only go down for a max of 3 games so they don't miss a start. Any other pitcher can go down for 15 games.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 12:24 pm
by maligned
Thanks, assmeriten. I knew about the DH rule, but was not aware of the qualifications for having a 3-game injury limit. That's very helpful.