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search options

Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:05 pm
by Manofsteel
did tsn change the search options where you are now unable to specify to search within the stratomatic forums? or am i missing something

Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:30 pm
by Palmtana
The googlization of the [url=]Search the Forum[/url] feature occurred over a year ago. It [b:ac4661be8e]was[/b:ac4661be8e] wonderful.
This from an "admin." last February:
[quote:ac4661be8e][url=]I've been told there are no plans in the works for changing the search functions[/url]
Bummer, huh.

Mon Jan 12, 2009 8:50 pm
by Manofsteel
wow big time bummer. I loved doing my player research through the search function. you were able to get a good idea about the players. the google search is so broad it really doesn't do ANY good at all :cry:

Mon Jan 12, 2009 9:05 pm
by coyote303
They googleized the search on our home page at work, and it's now worthless. What's up with that? I like Google well enough as a search engine.

Mon Jan 12, 2009 10:07 pm
by Manofsteel
since the search function is gone, maybe I can get some of your input. This is my 1st 07 team, Is it possible to get away with having pierre man cf? I know his arm is garbage, my only options would be either drew or taveras with the 4 mil I have left. If i could get away with having pierre i can rework my # 5 starter & bullpen with what I have left. here is the team for a quick look

Tue Jan 13, 2009 6:40 pm
by Rant
At Vinny Chase Memorial Field? You'd be giving up way to much with that poor range and +3 arm, now to mention the Ws on both sides. I'd be more concerned about that pen, though. It's likely to get shelled with its lack of depth.
I'd lose another $1M+ in salary somewhere and pick up BJ Upton, and risk the injury roll. Downgrade some SP for value and pickup relief. Randy might be brilliant for you, but more likely won't. I'd start there.

Wed Jan 14, 2009 12:48 am
by thisisray
I would try and move Johnson and personally I wouldn't use Harang in your park.

Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:45 am
I agree with Ray. I had great success with Harang before, but it was in Kauffman.He gives up some ball park homers.
Your team is pretty well balanced, however I do not like Joel Zumaya for your park either. For that kind of money you could get a much better set up man. I actually like K-Rod for closer. He is cheap, and my philosophy is; most people spend way too much on a closer. K-Rod is perfect.
You use a lot of players I like to use. You have good speed, Crawford, Taveras, Pierre, and Reyes. Pierre is the perfect backup, because Taveras will likely get hurt a few times.
But I am wondering if you should have slightly more power for a hitters park. Maybe one more power guy. If you have to face a lot of lefties you will not be able to count on Berkman for HRs. Your team seems more suited to a singles or pitcher's park.
One more thing, I think you can do better than Mark Ellis. I really do not see the appeal, unless you are going to face a ton of lefties. There are so many good second basemen. Cano would be perfect for your park, or Kelly Johnson.
I realize you are getting a lot of different advice. In the end, some luck always helps. Good luck! 8-)

Wed Jan 14, 2009 9:33 am
by Manofsteel
i could drop ellis and pick up cano, then upgradce my bullpen a bit with the savings. would the defensive downgrade hurt my team going from a 2 @ 2nd to a 3? How would cano be perfect for chase?