by cummings2 » Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:29 pm
Hey there D-T, interesting lineup, the main challenge is how heavy lefty it lines and it's inj. But you should score alright.
I've been thinking how I'd line it and have come up with several lineups I might try depending on opp. pitchers:
1. Pierre
2. Castillo
3. Klesko
4. Burke
5. Snow
6. Glaus
7. Walker
8. Clayton
9. Pitcher
This one has the advantage of dropping your higher inj. players in the line up therefore reducing chances of ABs and injs while trying to clean up before getting to the pitcher. In non-dh leagues I've had a hard time turning the order around. Since the P usually accounts for an out I slide my + clutchers a spot or two up the lineup and try to clean up before the pitcher comes up.
Main problem with this lineup is that it goes 3 LHB on top and pitchers tough on lefties might be a bit tough.
Another pos. would be:
1. Pierre
2. Burke
3. Snow
4. Kelsko
5. Glaus
6. Clayton
7. Castillo
8. Walker
This one flips righties and lefties better while having a good chance of turning the order with a runner on 2nd. for Pierre and Burke's SI** to be more useful.
I have played Pierre with pretty good results leadoff, I've always seen him struggle a bit in the 2nd slot, my thinking is that his low SLG makes HAL use him to Hit and Run (he is a B that can upgrade to an A often if batting behind good OBP) I guess this can be fixed by turning his H&R off.
Anyway, if he is giving you one of "those" seasons maybe I'd try something like this:
1. Walker
2. Castillo
3. Burke
4. Snow
5. Klesko
6. Glaus
7. Clayton
8. Pierre
9. Pitcher.
Personally I have found Walker's best assets to be his OBP and Defense, his avg has always been way lower than in his card, and the same with his SLG. Because of this I never play him in positons where his AVG or SLG and more relied on. He'll walk a ton so by batting him leadoff his walks are maximized and anything else he gives is gravy. In the league we just finished (Vets/Rooks) I batted him leadoff all season long, he scored about 80 something times even when he only had 300-something ABs
Finally if you are still having a hard time scoring I'd review my manager settings, personally with this lineup I'd go all normal or conservative with Pierre Steal more / don't H&R and Castillo, Snow and Burke don't H&R.
I'd keep EY as a PH Vs. LHP only because of his defense.
Hope some of this makes sense and good luck!