Has anyone ever seen this guy hit,..........at all..... this season???? I have been in 16 leagues and, I can not recall him coming within 30 points of his batting average once! Why is it that some guys never,... EVER... approach their real numbers, and some guys do?
I completely understand that the pitching staffs in almost all of these TSN leagues are better than in the Major Leagues, and I know that you can achieve more realistic numbers out of players with ,"Stock replays". Or playing the seasons with the real, "As Is" teams. But why for instance can Chipper Jones hit .400 for some people, and Orlando Cabrera can not hit .300,..... once? Please site examples if I am wrong. I would love to hear some stories of Cabrera hitting .300 or better with 20 plus stolen bases.
Thanks in advance, if anyone can help me out,...with this one.