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1 manager needed for 2006 league (2005 Season)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 12:07 pm
by Coffeeholic
Looks like we may need a substitute manager for an $80 mil, DH, 2006 league (the 2005 season).

We'd like to fill our league by this Friday (Feb. 27th) so that we can begin play next Monday (March 2nd).

This is for the 5th and final installment of a mini-tournament which included a league from each of the first 5 seasons of SOMO (all the $12 seasons). Looks like one of our managers is AWOL.

If you'd like to check on our progress, we have a chat thread in the Individual League Chat Forum entitled "Old League Games".

Only qualifications for our substitute is that you must promise not to draft any players that are on my draft card! :wink:

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 2:54 pm
by trinity2001
Hi !

Where can we find these 12$ old leagues, I only see 2007 in the listing :roll:

Still looking?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 3:54 pm
by Sknsfan
If you're still looking - I'll jump in for you.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 4:21 pm
by Coffeeholic
[b:f1bc2141dc]Trinity[/b:f1bc2141dc], if you check out the thread that is "stickied" at the top of this forum entitled [b:f1bc2141dc]Leagues Available; BallPark Ratings[/b:f1bc2141dc] and click on one of the older seasons you'll be able to "Create a new team" for that season. The first 5 seasons have all been discounted to $12.45 or something like that.

[b:f1bc2141dc]Sknsfan[/b:f1bc2141dc], as long as you can commit to enterring your team on time, you're in! 8-) You'll be in the WEST division, so as soon as the CENTRAL finishes filling, we'll PM the password to you. It's just a standard $80 mil DH league with no ballpark restrictions, so if you want you can start putting your team together at anytime.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:27 pm
by Sknsfan
Consider me committed.

Happy to run a 2005 game again. That was my best season so watch out!!

Of course now that I have jinxed myself for a 100 loss season - good luck to the playoff contenders.

I'll be in by tomorrow evening sometime.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 23, 2009 9:28 pm
by Sknsfan
Just caught the "Wait until the Central finishes loading." So let me rephrase - I'll be ready by tomorrow evening sometime.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 24, 2009 4:38 pm
by Coffeeholic
Sknsfan, as of this writing, there are 3 teams entered in the CENTRAL. I'm going to PM you the password now, but please hold up on entering your team until you see that the CENTRAL is full.
