SOM cheat sheets

SOM cheat sheets

Postby Mean Dean » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:05 pm

A user on the [url=]SOM Fan forum[/url] has posted cheat sheets, or as I prefer to think of them, "Dungeon Master's Screens" ;), that try to explain the SOM rules in as compact a space as possible. It might be useful to those of you who have not yet mastered every intricacy of the rules, especially if you play the board game too. [url=]Here is the link.[/url]

Enjoy, and if you use them, thank [b:43c88644f6]dagbo[/b:43c88644f6] at the SOM Fan Forum!
Mean Dean
Posts: 55
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Postby jflatour99 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 2:49 pm

Thanks a lot for these sheets ! Very appreciated !
Do you know a way to get the defensive chart (1, 2, 3 , 4, 5 ) that goes wiht the dice rolls with the results...
Also, the steal chart (AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, E) with the dice rolls and the results...
Thanks a lot !
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Postby AeroDave10 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 3:18 pm

[quote:622cc8a7e1="jflatour99"]Thanks a lot for these sheets ! Very appreciated !
Do you know a way to get the defensive chart (1, 2, 3 , 4, 5 ) that goes wiht the dice rolls with the results...
Also, the steal chart (AAA, AA, A, B, C, D, E) with the dice rolls and the results...
Thanks a lot ![/quote:622cc8a7e1]

The letter ratings are somewhat irrelevant. They just give you a general idea of that player's ability to steal. The important thing to look at is the actual numbers. For example: (C) *4-6/10 (15-8).

Here's what I believe this means (someone chime in if I'm wrong)

There is a preliminary roll (2 6-sided dice) to see whether the baserunner gets a good lead-off. In this case, if he rolls a 4,5, or 6, he gets a good leadoff. If he rolls a 10, he is automatically picked off. For rolls 2,3,7,8,9,11, and 12, he has a normal lead.

A second roll (1 20-sided die) decides the result of the steal attempt. If he has a good lead, then he starts out at 15. Add the catcher's throwing arm and pitcher's hold rating to that number to get the final chance out of 20 that he's safe. If the catcher's arm is -2 and the hold is a +3, then it's 16 (15-2+3=16). That means on a roll of 1-16, he's safe, and 17-20 he's out. With a regular lead his chances are reduced to 1-9 (8-2+3=9) that he's safe and 10-20 he's out.
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Postby jflatour99 » Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:21 pm

You're right about the stealing but when I played with the board game and the cards 15 years ago, that was helpful to have these chart with the possibilities all together...

The same with the error and fielding chart...
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Postby Mean Dean » Mon Mar 02, 2009 5:27 pm

Most of that is right ;) First of all, a point of terminology: what you call a "normal lead", most players call "no lead", and what you call a "good lead", most players just call a "lead." Your description might actually be more accurate, but just letting you know that it's not the norm so that you can communicate with others ;)

The big omission there is that there is a penalty just for being held on at all. That is -2 (I prefer to think of it as 10% and will use that format from hereon out) if you have the lead, and -20% if you don't.

While we're doing this, we might as well mention that stealing 3rd is treated the same as stealing 2nd without the lead would be, and stealing home is a straight -45% off your second stealing chance (minus another 20% if held.)

And yeah, the stealing "grade" is just a "summary" (and in fact sometimes a misleading one) that has no direct effect on gameplay.

Find out all this and more on the cheat sheets linked in this very thread! :)

As for the charts that show the results of the X-rolls against the various fielders, you have to buy those from SOM.
Mean Dean
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Tue Mar 03, 2009 2:46 pm

The SOM fan forum(not an official SOM web-site) is very uptight, and you can not join with a free e-mail account. But there is another one called SOM World which is an on line Magazine. For 10 dollars a year you get every cheat sheet imaginable. I would use that one for preparation for leagues here,..if I did not have the cards and CD ROM.
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Postby jflatour99 » Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:58 pm

Thanks a lot ! :D
Posts: 55
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