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PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:43 pm
by scorehouse
thought there were going to be more/different options on both the players individual settings and the managerial settings for relief pitchers? also, can we change the infield in settings?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 1:55 pm
by joethejet
The RP enhancements are in progress. It's quite a significant change and Bernie wants to get it right.

Stay tuned.

As for the other settings, Check the managerial settings for infield in. AFAIK, there are no immediate plans for adding to that.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 6:43 pm
by scorehouse
on IF in they went the wrong way. i don't want to bring mine in until 7-9?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 3:44 pm
by joethejet
yeah me too. I wish it went later. I assume that it's a limitation of the computer game. :?
