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Craig Monroe - Strangest Card Ever?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:33 pm
by Jack377
Bats Right, Throws Right
CF4, LF3
Overall Stats: .202 .274 .405 .679
Balance 8R, with 47% vs Righthanders
9.5 Natural Homers and 8 Ballpark Homers against Righthanders
Useless vs Lefties
Price: $4.65MM

You can see how he would really prosper in some ballparks but I'm not sure I've ever seen a guy, especially a mediocre to poor fielder, who hit .202 and cost $4.65MM. It will be interesting to see how many leagues he gets in...and how many times he faces 9L Righthander Mike Mussina!

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:04 pm
by emart
How's it going, Jack?

Hadn't noticed Monroe's card yet, but this year is full of extreme cards. [i:96f881ccf5]The year of the platoon..........[/i:96f881ccf5]

PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:06 pm
Jack...that is pretty funny, because last summer I watched quite a few Twins games (I am a Minneapolis transplant) and Monroe was a "freak". No matter how many times they flashed his horrific stats vs. lefties, the Twins kept pinch hitting him vs. lefties. I would yell at the TV...."look at the numbers, he can't hit a lefty"!! They never listened.

Here was his final numbers from last season.

[color=blue:cb9d10fe44]vs. lefties: .138BA, .219OBP, .230SLUG, 87 at bats, 2HRs
vs. righties: ..276BA, .337OBP, .605SLUG, 76 at bats, 6HRs, 19RBIs.[/color:cb9d10fe44]
[b:cb9d10fe44][color=black:cb9d10fe44]If you estrapolate out a platoon season vs. just righties (lets say 450PAs), his numbers would have been the following:

.276BA, .337OBP, 36HRs, 112 RBIs.....and his RF-3 (0) E6 doesn't hurt [/color:cb9d10fe44][/b:cb9d10fe44]him. He suddenly looks like a $4.65Mil player.
It is pretty odd though.


PostPosted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 4:23 pm
by Jack377
That's true, Kev, to be sure...I guess the price is right, it's just funny to see a guy with a .202 average who is hardly a gold glover that costs that much.

I guess if you close your eyes, you see Chris Duncan from 2 years ago in your lineup instead of a journeyman, righty hitting outfielder.. :shock: .

What's up, Emart? Need to round up the gang and get the league organized soon...

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 1:33 pm
by scorehouse
anyone having success with monroe?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 2:19 pm
by toshiro
Very similar to 2006, although not quite as dramatic a split.

vs R
(2006) 7 pts natural homer vs 10 pts in 2008
6 pts double vs 10 pts in 2008

Against lefties, the 2006 Monroe wasn't quite as helpless as the 2008 Monroe, but for all his homer power vs R, he had 'w' power vs L!

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 3:20 pm
Got Monroe and Pearce in a platoon in RF, couldn't be happier. Even faced Mussina once, went 2 for 3 with a 2B and BB.

Russell Branyan Similiar

PostPosted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:59 pm
by Brent65
Check out Russell Branyan, he has no chances of hitting a lhp on his card, however hits great on rhp, he has five solid chances of hitting HR, looks pretty solid for rhp, anybody having any luck with platoning him as a dh?