relief fatigue

Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:10 pm
by yomayoma
is there a fatigue for games on the pitcher.... lets say for example-pitched 10 innings over last 4 games so he is fatigued if used?--any other unknown facts about fatigue and pitching would help?--theo

Sat Mar 07, 2009 6:23 pm
by the splinter
try the help link on the green bar from any league page. Go to "how to read a pitchers card" You should find what you are looking for there.

Sat Mar 07, 2009 7:58 pm
by joethejet
Splinter, I think he's thinking more of the usage rules.
Currently the most a pitcher will throw in a row is two games (unless there are dire circumstances) In addition, normally a pitcher won't throw more than 2 innings past their Stamina Rating (SR).
So, to answer your question, a pitcher probably won't throw 10 over 4 games.
Some of this will change when the new bullpen is released down the road.
Hope this helps,