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over-rated disasters

Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:48 pm
by scorehouse
so far lidge and cameron are out right disasters. lidge was the first perfect closer in history. not right?

Thu Mar 19, 2009 4:54 pm
by scorehouse
example. lidge has pitched 11 innings, he's 0-6, with 4 saves and 4 blown saves all from mister perfecto right thru the world series!

Thu Mar 19, 2009 6:14 pm
by joethejet
Don't ever think that real life intrudes on the world of SOM pitchers! ;)
SOM is all about WHIP, how balanced you are, and HRs allowed. Pitching out of trouble, gets you nothing.

Fri Mar 20, 2009 4:24 pm
by scorehouse
lidge has no hrs on his card

Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:33 pm
by askaufman
As a Philly fan, he is the incarnation of Mitch Williams. Every save opportunity is an adventure. :roll:
Seriously I have had some relievers start off badly and then get much better. Why? I have no clue. The almighty Hal only knows. You need to look at the rolls. You can't help if Hal rolls five batters on their card and never touches your reliever. That is the nature of the game.

Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:37 pm
by scorehouse
only an idiot philly fan would compare lidge's perfect season to mitch "headcase" williams :?: won the world series and still ********. too bad TO is not back in the city of brotherly love. another fing joke.

Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:49 pm
by askaufman
I was joking. Notice I said, "seriously." Geez, if you are getting that upset about this game, you need to quit playing. If you expect everyone you buy to perform up to the standard of the card, I've got some bank stocks to sell you. Lighten up. :lol:

Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:54 pm
by visick
Technically, I would hardly call Lidge over-rated.
It's not like he's $6 million...

Fri Mar 20, 2009 6:42 pm
by Stoney18
Wow, I am a Philly Phan (some may say idiot) and Lidge was much better than Wild Thing.
Statistically though, Lidge's season was not perfect as the no blown save stat may lead you to believe.
Strat is about actual numbers, not roto numbers.

Fri Mar 20, 2009 9:04 pm
by askaufman
If Mitch Williams doesn't give up the homer to Carter he is an icon in Philly.
Of course Lidge is better than him statwise but he lost his confidence Houston in pressure situations just like Williams. That's why they got rid of him. I expected him to blow up in the series and he came close a couple times. I don't trust him for a second to be that dependable this year but I hope I'm wrong.
As far as his strat card, he is a plus 5 hold, horrible against lefties, and Strat's 2.5 mil price on him shows their opinion. Maybe all right against righties but the walks are a problem with the plus 5 hold. IMO I wouldn't depend on him for my reliever and you get what you pay for. You better have a great defense behind him.