This team needs a medic!

Postby scorehouse » Sat Mar 21, 2009 1:21 pm

bad luck. i've got tex on just one team an with 125 abs he hitting .377 with a .476 obp and 11 hrs.
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Postby Rant » Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:36 am

Bad luck seems to be at play.

Having said that but you've got a lot of cash tied up in your pitching. You have some question marks up the middle in Aviles + Burriss/Dillon that won't help the staff, but I'd still look for less money tied up there. At this point in the year, though, I'd wait it out and see how it plays out.
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Postby joethejet » Sun Mar 22, 2009 11:52 pm

Ok, I quick team rating.

Team rates 2156 in the average park. Definitely a rating that should compete for the playoffs, BUT, it has some flaws that may lead it to underperform.

Your offense against RHP is very weak. You have 5 guys who are weak power. On top of that you have only 3 players with OB > 400. On the up side, you have a lot of hits on your card and good clutch. However, the absolute lack of power and OB is going to hurt your record.

The other flaw is that you've spent nearly half your salary on pitching. That's just too much. Teams that over compensate in one area *can* win, but I don't think they'll consistently win.

Another thing, you have 4 1 SR RPs. With your strong rotation, that might not be a problem, but that's probably why Tejeda leads your pen in IP.

On the plus side you're very good v LHP and if you dominate them, you could bounce back. Also Teixeira isn't a .202 hitter even in AT&T so I don't think you're as bad as you've played.

Your D is decent overall, but starting a 3 at Short doesn't help your pitching get DPs.

To make the playoffs, this team is going to need Tex to bounce back, Hairston to stay healthy, the SPs to go deep into games, dominate LHP, and win the close ones v RHP.

Just one guy's opinion.

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Postby joethejet » Mon Mar 23, 2009 12:27 am


I wish I could say it was just those two guys under performing, but you really don't have much O v RHP. Even Aviles isn't all that great. Fundamentally, this just isn't a good offensive team v RHP.

Tex and Hairston are the only two good hitters and Span is OK with his speed. When those two guys start hitting, the guys you have currently over performing will slow down.

I think you're going to have to deal one of your SPs for a big bat v RHP (or two). You're also paying 2 mil for Ohman and have got all of 9 IP from him.

Having both Devine and Nathan is probably a luxury too.

With your parks and the 2 of the other parks in your division, you can probably downgrade some of your pitchers to higher BP HR guys to beef up your O v RHP.

I think you're going to have to. That being said, try to do it through trades. It's hard to really improve off of waivers in a 20% cap league

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Postby Rant » Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:12 pm

[quote:d7f2d421fa="old__toriihunter"] SU: Cut Devine (4.49), [/quote:d7f2d421fa] sign someone for under $1M. Max your SP, max Nathan, and let Tejeda and Ohman pick up the other innings.

[quote:d7f2d421fa="old__toriihunter"] 3B: Cut Figgins (0.90), sign Aramis Ramirez (6.30)[/quote:d7f2d421fa]

Figgins is a good backup, I hesitate to lose him.

You actually have a lot of options. Why not put Dobbs in at 3B and look for the best hitter you can find? You could add a cheapo lefty specialist for 3B (Orr, Hall, someone like that -- or use Dillon and lefty specialist DH).

Span is a fine RF, good D, high OB, good #2 hitter, etc., but I'm wondering if you want to look at getting more power from that position. There are some good names out there, considering you could pickup someone for left or right field (as Hairston plays both).

If you decide to look for a new 3B, I'd see if you can't get up to Huff.


2B: Cut Burriss (1.31), sign Aaron Hill (2.38)
2B: Cut Pennington (1.04), sign Quintinalla (0.50)[/quote:d7f2d421fa]

Hill will help your D, but that 5 inj is really rolling the dice. I'm skeptical that his card will produce much offense. I'd put priority in other areas.
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