by Rant » Mon Mar 23, 2009 3:12 pm
[quote:d7f2d421fa="old__toriihunter"] SU: Cut Devine (4.49), [/quote:d7f2d421fa] sign someone for under $1M. Max your SP, max Nathan, and let Tejeda and Ohman pick up the other innings.
[quote:d7f2d421fa="old__toriihunter"] 3B: Cut Figgins (0.90), sign Aramis Ramirez (6.30)[/quote:d7f2d421fa]
Figgins is a good backup, I hesitate to lose him.
You actually have a lot of options. Why not put Dobbs in at 3B and look for the best hitter you can find? You could add a cheapo lefty specialist for 3B (Orr, Hall, someone like that -- or use Dillon and lefty specialist DH).
Span is a fine RF, good D, high OB, good #2 hitter, etc., but I'm wondering if you want to look at getting more power from that position. There are some good names out there, considering you could pickup someone for left or right field (as Hairston plays both).
If you decide to look for a new 3B, I'd see if you can't get up to Huff.
2B: Cut Burriss (1.31), sign Aaron Hill (2.38)
2B: Cut Pennington (1.04), sign Quintinalla (0.50)[/quote:d7f2d421fa]
Hill will help your D, but that 5 inj is really rolling the dice. I'm skeptical that his card will produce much offense. I'd put priority in other areas.