Season over 30 games in??

Season over 30 games in??

Postby thisisdan26 » Wed Mar 25, 2009 11:45 pm

So I drafted this team to be an offensive force and they have been everything but that by posting the lowest RS in the league so far. I know its still "early" but after seeing no change night after night I am beginning to wonder if I should make some moves.

Im in Cell which is arguably the best hitters park this year, and in my division I have....

Wrigley: 1-10 / 1-13
Chase: 1-11 1-15 / 1-17 1-11
PNC: 1-12 1-12 / 1-7 1-1

Id say its a pretty hitters friendly division...check out the home/road splits....for the hitters especially. Pitching is actually better in Cell than the rest which is somewhat surprising.

Enough complaining now
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Postby drew6013 » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:01 am


I'm thinking Quinton and Dunn have quite a bit of hitting to do and when they do it should help your overall OBP and SLG.

If those two come along and your pitching improves ( I think it will a bit) your RS/RA should be looking alright by the mid way point. Don't hit the panic button just yet. :)
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Postby visick » Thu Mar 26, 2009 6:49 am

Hey Dan...

In a hitting park, I generally shoot for a staff ERA of 5.00 with a WHIP of 1.5. From the looks of things, your staff is on pace.

What lineup are you using?

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Postby KEVINEHLE » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:12 am

I'm with Viz.....with an ERA below 5, your team should be winning. ARod's 12HRs and only 18RBIs is troubling. It's a pretty well-crafted team...but it looks like you're getting a lot of Solo HRs due to the low BA and subpar OBP. Your team is certainly better than 9-21.
Viz is also on to something about your lineup. I would suggest shaking it up a little, tweak it each day, even if Ianetta is batting second, etc.
I know it's tempting to make some moves, but I think your team will start winning if you stay patient and not burn payroll.

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Postby thisisdan26 » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:15 am

Vs. R
1. Kinsler, I. (R) .319 .375 .517 2R
2. Votto, J. (L) .297 .368 .506 1L
3. Rodriguez, A. (R).302 .392 .573 3R
4. Quentin, C. (R) .288 .394 .571 2R
5. Dunn, A. (L) .236 .386 .513 2R
6. Iannetta, C. (R) .264 .390 .505 1L
7. Kapler, G. (R) .301 .340 .498 4L
8. Wise, D. (L) .248 .293 .450 7R
9. Hardy, J. (R) .283 .343 .478 3L

Vs. L

1. Kinsler, I. (R) .319 .375 .517 2R
2. Votto, J. (L) .297 .368 .506 1L
3. Kapler, G. (R) .301 .340 .498 4L
4. Quentin, C. (R) .288 .394 .571 2R
5. Iannetta, C. (R) .264 .390 .505 1L
6. Hardy, J. (R) .283 .343 .478 3L
7. Pearce, S. (R) .248 .294 .422 7L
8. Rodriguez, A. (R) .302 .392 .573 3R
9. Dunn, A. (L) .236 .386 .513 2R

Im actually doing "better" vs lefties (.260 .346 .458) as oppossed to (223 .308 .409) vs righties. Kinda surprising to me.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Thu Mar 26, 2009 1:02 pm

The only trouble I see with your team is, the team name. Other than that you look good to go. Maybe you just need to get some good rolls,...or Hal Luck!
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Postby visick » Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:35 pm


Kinsler is great at the top vs. RH's only. 32.3 OB chances vs. LH's does not make him a leadoff guy.

I'd use Dunn in the 2 hole. Less gBa's than Votto, and better OB.

ARod in the 3 hole

Quentin or Votto to use the R/L/R routine.

Votto or Q.

It gets bad after that Dan...sorry and I'm out of time as well. Try the Dunn/Votto swap and maybe the Quentin/Votto switch for a few. See how it goes and get back with the results.

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Postby thisisdan26 » Wed May 13, 2009 7:34 am

Well it never really got better for this team...

For being in hitters didnt do nearly as good as I thought they would...especially Arod and Quentin. And with the not so pitchers friendly division I was thinking theyd all do ALOT better (as in having more than one guy slug over .500 that wasnt in a platoon)...guess not! :D
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Postby visick » Wed May 13, 2009 12:59 pm

Hey these things happen.

I would have really liked to see another good righty basher from the left side of the plate.

With Dunn, you got the HR's. Nothing else. Some OB, but he's a slug. The rest of your sluggers were from the right side. You saw ALOT of RH's.

This prolly neutralized them a bit.
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