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2009 FLIRTIN' W/DISASTER: Draft Order Set. Check in...

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 10:58 am
by visick
The rules...

1. $80 million
2. DH
3. Only1 player with 600 or > PA's
4. 8 round LIVE draft. Here since somdraft is not LIVE yet.
5. Advanced/5-10-20% drops/ non-unique stadiums


1. visick-READY
3. splinter- READY
4. keyzick-READY
5. geekor - READY
7. Jeepdriver -READY
8. Skinsfan- READY
9. mtarbell- READY
10. ehlekev - READY
11. Frank M- READY
12. he's meat- READY

I'm in

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 11:29 am
by Jack377
The rules...

1. $80 million
2. DH
3. Only1 player with 600 or > PA's
4. 8 round LIVE draft. Here since somdraft is not LIVE yet.
5. Advanced/5-10-20% drops/ non-unique stadiums


1. visick-READY
2. Jack - Ready
3. splinter- READY
4. keyzick-READY
5. geekor - READY
7. Jeepdriver -READY
8. Skinsfan- READY
9. mtarbell- READY
10. ehlekev - READY
11. Frank M- READY
12. he's meat- READY

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:26 pm
by LMBombers
1. visick-READY
2. Jack - Ready
3. splinter- READY
4. keyzick-READY
5. geekor - READY
6. LMBombers - you betcha
7. Jeepdriver -READY
8. Skinsfan- READY
9. mtarbell- READY
10. ehlekev - READY
11. Frank M- READY
12. he's meat- READY

What a bunch of yahoos in this league. I couldn't pass it up.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 12:39 pm
Randy, I knew you would see a bunch of easy pickins' patsies on the manager's list and come out and take advantage. It's good to see you and Jack jumping in.

Actually, in my opinion.....1 through 12...this is a murderers row of team owners! I have way too much experience against these "yahoos" and continue to struggle against them. However, I do get lucky in the confusing theme leagues like thsi one. Frank and Splinter and Viz can't figure them out and get crushed like bugs on an interstate.


PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2009 8:39 pm
by visick
Set #1:
5, 3, 12, 2, 1, 9, 7, 11, 6, 10, 4, 8


We draft as...

1. geekor
2. splinter
3. he's meat
4. Jack
5. visick
6. mtarbell
7. Jeepdriver
8. Frank M
9. LMBombers
10. ehlekev
11. keyzick
12. Skinsfan

We'll draft in the ILC section. C U there...
