Better baseball

I have a request for Bernie concerning baserunning and would like for everyone to join the discussion to add their opinions and comments. I would like to have advanced baserunning scenerio options, similar to the sort that is found in the CD-ROM version of the strat game. The basic conservative/normal/agressive/very agressive option is not cutting it, in my humble opinion. If I select the agressive option for my baserunners, then they are too agressive when they shouldn't and versly, if I choose the normal option, too passive when they should try and score. I would like to have the ability to instruct HAL, percetage wise, on what situations to take a more or less agressive attempt on taking the extra base. Some examples, if I may, to help clarify.
My leadoff batter walks and the second place batter doubles to center. Nice start to the inning, yet the lead runner gets gunned down at the plate with the agressive baserunning option selected. :x I need a way to tell HAL, like in the CDROM version, to be conserative in that situation. Something like, HAL, if there is a 90% safe chance in this situation, then yes, send the runner. If not, I have got three chances to get the runners home and sending the runner now is not a good option.
So to counter this example and others like it from happening all too often, I select the normal option for baserunning. However, HAL is not agressive enough, when I want IT to be, in the following example: Runner on second and two outs. Batter singles to center and my runner stops at third. :shock: I need to tell HAL that if there is even a 30 % chance of the runner scoring I would like the runner sent home for a play at the plate. NOW is the time to be agressive, but the options we have to select from just don't satisfy. Bernie, I need more options
My leadoff batter walks and the second place batter doubles to center. Nice start to the inning, yet the lead runner gets gunned down at the plate with the agressive baserunning option selected. :x I need a way to tell HAL, like in the CDROM version, to be conserative in that situation. Something like, HAL, if there is a 90% safe chance in this situation, then yes, send the runner. If not, I have got three chances to get the runners home and sending the runner now is not a good option.
So to counter this example and others like it from happening all too often, I select the normal option for baserunning. However, HAL is not agressive enough, when I want IT to be, in the following example: Runner on second and two outs. Batter singles to center and my runner stops at third. :shock: I need to tell HAL that if there is even a 30 % chance of the runner scoring I would like the runner sent home for a play at the plate. NOW is the time to be agressive, but the options we have to select from just don't satisfy. Bernie, I need more options