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OVER priced OVER rated

Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:29 pm
imagine having a team with utley, rollins AND holliday, and being in dead last...and we're 70-games in, and this is Utley's 2nd team. actually, he's not as over paid as pedroia, who I traded for him. now grant it, im in A.T.T. which isn't a great fit for utley and holiday, but should have sutied pedroia perfectly. both sucked in both parks...and holiday under .400 slug, and rollins barely at .300 obp?!

Wed Apr 01, 2009 7:33 pm
I am in your league, and I am the one who traded you Utley and others for Pedroia. I agree that Pedroia is way over priced. I actually think you got the better end of our deal. And I think Utley is under priced, but also not a great fit for your stadium. But I think your real trouble is just plain bad luck! Because your team is good, but luck plays a MAJOR role in this game, as I am sure you are aware. All I can say is, learn from this league, and kick some butt in your next one, when lady luck is riding your jock.

Wed Apr 01, 2009 8:17 pm
well, you won't find em on that roster anymore...utley by the way had a obp and slugging both over 100 points below his average on both combined. lets just hope fontenot aint overpriced, cause I just tore my crummy team apart to get 8 mil together. guess i shoulda read that thread first...
btw, these guys are ALL so bad, I offered utley, rollins and holiday for reyes, roberts and markasis, and got TURNED DOWN!

Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:18 pm
Things are tough all over..

Wed Apr 01, 2009 11:39 pm
by thisisray
you can't have reyes, roberts or markakis but you CAN have upton...he is terrible

Thu Apr 02, 2009 12:15 am
by fredpaii
When a player doesn't perform for you over a significant amount of time, why don't you cut and add someone else?

Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:34 am
by theClaw
if the card is good i hope the rolls will go my way over the 162 game season. The 20% drop rate is a killer. I stand by my convictions, in life and strat. Dropping for me is a very last resort. I have done it but very rare...

Thu Apr 02, 2009 9:51 am
by geekor
[quote:e655b032af="thisisray"]you can't have reyes, roberts or markakis but you CAN have upton...he is terrible[/quote:e655b032af]
This is the truth
Johan Santana

Fri Apr 03, 2009 11:13 am
by mjf309
Any thoughts on him? I have a 1 at short and second with a 2 in center and his record is as follows:
2 6 0 0 84.2 75 47 45 44 59 11 4.78 1.41
I am playing in the Metrodome.