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When someone ruins a league

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 11:41 am
by cwostevec
I am in a 100mil 2005 league. After 30 games one team released his entire squad.

I knew then that the wild card would definetly come from his division because of this!

Another team wrote to him and explained there were rules both written and unwritten and that it was unfair to the other 11 teams. I asked him if he wasnt interested just play it out with the team he had and not waive

He replied with some bullsh** about how he was scouting out 50 mil
players for his next team and he wanted to see how they performed!

We're now 84 games into the season and his record is 18-66.

I had this happen in an 80's league, where one guy owned two teams and made trades to benefit himself. Larry came through with credits and we replayed the league without the cheater.

I emailed TSN about this but haven't heard anything yet.

The rest of the league seems to have resigned themselves to play out the string and let it slide, or they just don't care.

I put down 24.95 for a team and feel I should get at least an honest shot at competing.

This sucks.

I am a member of the league.................................

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:05 pm
by dunna23
"The rest of the league seems to have resigned themselves to play out the string and let it slide, or they just don't care. "

That's an unfair statement because my friend started the league and four of us are in the league. I know for a fact that my friend who started the league has already expressed concern and he did so shortly after the team in question dropped his team. Your are not the only one concerned, which is evident in our league's emails.

Bottom line the owner of said team is a jerk and his account should be suspended by Sporting News.

Let me know what else you wnat us to do.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:19 pm
I think everyone is upset. I do not know what the right thing is. I mean no doubt we have all been screwed. I doubt SP will refund money though. Perhaps someone in the office can take ownership, kind of like the Montreal Expos and field a decent team. For those outside our league this team lost like 45 games in a row. It happens that I only play him 9 times (unbalanced schedule), unlike most everyone else, but my team is pretty bad so that's not really relevant. It just let's you know that some people are not sportsman. You shouldn't be so selfish as to disrupt a whole league just because your moves didn't work out. Sad.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:40 pm
by dneedle1
there is an infamous guy, with the handle kriff, that has done this a bunch of times. i was in his division once or even twice, I forget, which of course didn't thrill me because of the stench. Its a problem, now and again, unfortunately.

Believe it or not, in the 3 leagues I have seen this problem in, the wildcard ALWAYS came from outside this a**holes division. Still, its wrong, and it stinks.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 12:53 pm
by tersignf
I disagree that TSN has some sort of responsibility to step in when there's stupidity. Quite honestly, stupidity is part of the game--it's how smarter people tend to win more often against stupid people.

There's already a provision to mitigate this if it irks you--private leagues. Play the SOM tour, and other leagues where even folks who are "friends" still are competitors first and never compromise the integrity of the competition.

Now--owning 2 teams in one league shouldn't be allowed in a public league--that's definitely grounds for a re-do...but I'm sure there are occasional collusional arrangements anyway in public leagues when it's friends who join and can't win on their own merit. I can guarantee that's the case--it's happened to me but there's no way to start down that slippery path and prove it successfully--just play it out and have fun.

Bottom line is where do you draw the line on stupidity? Is it the same thing when someone drafts a team unsuited to their park and clicks "Hit and Run " more often on Ichiro Suzuki? (that's usually very stupid by the way) Or folks that sometimes don't know what the #, <, and $ mean? Or the effects of playing all 4's on D up the middle (had someone do that before) not realizing how "stupid" that was? Cmon--we count on this type of assymetric advantage! Except it's irritating when they're in [i:9a9dafeae7]someone else's[/i:9a9dafeae7] division...

My point is if you were in the same division it may not be quite as incensing to you because no matter what--you pay your $25 and take a chance. You can't have guaranteed fairness against stupidity--they payed their $25 too.

Don't misunderstand--it torques me too--it just happened in a league I'm in right now where someone has been dumping salary--but not much you can do about it--except get into that person's division next time.

Note who they are and invite them to a private league...

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:08 pm
by windjam
To the below posts: I'm so new to this on-line baseball system my ears are still wet. I'm looking to get into a league. I don't know if it's possible, but if you need someone dedicated to play in your league and finish out the season, let me know. I'm desparate to start playing...thanks! Please reply!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:13 pm
by the splinter
You think its bad in a online fantasy game....try being a Marlins fan in real life!!!!

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 1:34 pm
by cwostevec
It is TSN's responsibility to make sure everyone gets a fair shot. It is a private league also. The last few spots were opened up to fill it and this assclown got in.

There is a difference between stupidity and tanking an entire league. I've been in leagues where players do stupid things like you mention. For a guy in a 100mil league to have a roster of .5mil players is bs. the team in question has lost something like 45 games in a row. totally different than having hit and run more checked on ichiro. that wouldn't cause a 45 game losing streak.

As for your statement "Except it's irritating when they're in someone else's division... " it is in my division. Doesn't really matter. It's a question of fairness. I'm in a better position to make the playoffs.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:14 pm
by AZHawg
Hey Splinter, how come you are not a Braves fan?

I'm in this league as well. I'm 52-23 not counting games against the tanker. I'm 8-1 against said tanker, but only 3-0 since he tanked his team.

Now that sparkling record is tainted even though its pretty darned good against everybody.

What a jerk for screwing this league up.


PostPosted: Mon Jan 16, 2006 2:41 pm
by the splinter
Hawg- I am the truest of Braves fans.....just making the statement that it happens in real life as well.

I know in the past that certain members of the TSN office would take over these type teams. Since I only(almost) play with people I've played with before I haven't had to face this issue in a while. Also, I think waaaay back when TSN actually gave this type of team over to a few select G.M's.