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Gone Fishing...

PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:54 pm
by Sknsfan
Hey everyone,

Several years back (at least 4 or 5) I had gotten from someone a fantastic excel spreadsheet that figured out base line numbers for a player based on their card, creating a sort of quick reference sheet for the player. It could do both pitchers and batters, and it showed how they would look in each varying park.

My computer crashed on me way back when and I lost the spread sheet. Tried to find them then but no luck.

Figured I'd go fishing again to see if the creator is out there and reading the boards again.


PostPosted: Wed Apr 15, 2009 9:24 pm
I think you may mean the free web site," Diamond Dope". There may be others as well. And then there are the ratings guides for each season Strat puts out. Try Diamond Dope, they have many of the 200X seasons and even the ATG sets.