Kids, don't try this at home!

Kids, don't try this at home!

Postby coyote303 » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:00 pm

Early on when I started playing SOM online, I ended up to three teams going. My teams were in three different flavors (69, 70s, 2006) which was good, but it was still just a bit too much. So, I have generally tried to keep it to two teams at once. And if nothing else, I limited myself to one 70s team at a time since you need to stay so active even after the season begins with that format.

Life was good. I was hooked. But eventually I wanted to try a $60 million format in the 70s even though I had a team already going. And then this single season format for the 70s looked really fun. And there was this great group of managers I just got done playing a season with, and they were starting a new season. And I also wanted to start a 70s keeper league.

One team's season ended but I still ended up with four 70s teams and one 2006 team. Some managers, I'm sure, handle even more, but for me it was way too many. Soon, I was rapidly heading for total burnout.

At one point, I wanted to drop out of my own keeper league. (Fortunately, one of the veteran managers in the league talked some sense into me.)

Leagues don't last forever, and I didn't join any news ones. So, eventually I ended up with no teams at all. I went a full week without any games.

This story has a happy ending. I tried my first 2008 season team, and the old magic returned. This occurred despite my team having the most horrific start of any team I have ever coached. My 70s keeper league is getting ready for season 2. And that's where I draw the line. I really want to get a third season going in the $60 million 70s format, but I know two teams is best for me--and only one 70s team at a time.

For me, what makes it so easy to get in too deep is I absolutely love forming a new team and the excitement of the preseason. I spend many hours tweaking each team before the season starts. By the time I get to the playoffs (if I'm lucky enough to make it), it's almost anticlimactic.

So, "kids," know your limit and stick to it! We want you to stick around for awhile.

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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm


Postby chasenally » Fri Apr 17, 2009 11:25 pm

I just joined my first 70's league, what makes it so difficult to manage a 70's league. I have also had trouble with more than 2 teams as I leave one behind if not doing so well that week. I think 1 at a time is enough but with this 70's league I will be playing 3 with one almost over. The 70's league has a live draft and keeper league with no clock, firsts for me. I expect it to take atleast 2 or 3 weeks. Any information from you or anyone would help me. The people I am playing with are veterans and I don't mind losing my shirt, but would like to be competitive.
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Postby voovits » Sat Apr 18, 2009 12:51 am

I try to limit myself to 1 70's and 1 80's league. That on top of any other leagues I want to play as they're just mindlessly setting lineups and have no real strategy at all, so even though I don't play them, I would not limit myself.
I think that's how you can have managers having so many teams. If the managers who have 20 teams going at once were doing mystery card leagues, they'd either burn out after a couple of days or have several teams fall by the wayside and be horrible.
Despite the limitations I set, I always find myself exceeding them. I have 2 80's leagues and no 70's leagues going right now, but I'm trying to get that 70s/80s dual theme league going, so that would make 4 leagues at once. I'm sure we're not the only ones who are at the very least tempted to break the personal limitations we set for yourselves. I agree with what you said about the thrill of the preseason and the hours spent on roster tweaks. I however, love the hours I spend on roster and game analyzing during the season as well.

Chasenally, utilize the 70's board to ask as many questions as you want. Even as competitors, we're all friends and will give you helpful advice if you need it. You're not going to be alone in having little experience in the 70's game.
Though I have experience in the 80's (14 teams) I've had only 4 teams in the 70's, only making the playoffs 1 time in those 4. I find the 70's game to be harder to play than the 80's, and I just like the 80's better anyway. I'm much more familiar with the players.
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Re: 70's

Postby coyote303 » Sat Apr 18, 2009 10:21 am

[quote:fa9ccebf42="chasenally"]I just joined my first 70's league, what makes it so difficult to manage a 70's league...[/quote:fa9ccebf42]

With a 200x or ATG league, once the preseason is over your team should be set. You will see some managers making wholesale changes to their teams in these leagues, but it's a losing proposition.

With a mystery card team (70s or 80s), your work as a general manager is just getting started once the season starts. You need to determine which year each of your players has. The sooner you can determine someone has a "stinker" year, the better. Also, the drop penalties are not so severe since it's expected you'll need to make lots of changes.

Injuries are your best clue to determine the year someone has, but there are others. You also have to be careful thinking someone has a bad year just because he starts poorly. Maybe he just had some early bad luck.

Like voovits said, post in the 70s forums for any other questions you have about running a mystery card team.

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Postby chasenally » Sat Apr 18, 2009 11:54 am

Thank you guys.
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Joined: Tue Jul 03, 2012 2:34 pm

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