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Pitcher-card homeruns and batter's power ratings

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 9:14 am
by bark123
I notice on the board/dice version of stratomatic, the homeruns on pitchers' cards are N-HR, which, of course, relate to the batter's N or W rating.
I don't see those N-HRs on the online pitcher cards. Why not? Are they understood to be there?
I guess my question is: Can a player who hit no homeruns in a particular year hit one (off the pitcher's card) in online stratomatic?

PostPosted: Wed Apr 29, 2009 6:30 pm
by coyote303
If a hitter is rated W against that type of pitcher (righty or lefty), then he cannot get a homerun off of the pitcher's card. A homerun will be converted to a SINGLE**. Homeruns off of his own card (if any) of course count as homeruns.
