Starting Pitching: What Matters Most?

Postby Palmtana » Fri May 01, 2009 9:09 pm

As many teams as you've played, Aray, thats a lot of struggling. Give this a try.

In a pitchers park I go for pitchers with lots of walks. An IP/walk ratio of 2:1 is what I'm after. Walk them til the cows come home but let the hits come off the hitters cards. [url=]Someone like Morrow[/url] in the current game. Grab 5 guys like him, list your hitters at the top of your draft card, and your good to go.
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Postby MFL536 » Fri May 01, 2009 10:05 pm

for what it is worth I have always had my best success with power pitchers those who avg close to 1 or more k's per IP
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Postby visick » Sat May 02, 2009 9:08 am

Actually, I'm gonna disagree with you boys.

In a pitching park, I don't wanna give ANYBODY a free pass. I want low WHIP guys. High K's is icing on the cake. I'll take high K guys in hitting parks too...

BPHR's is what I look for in a pitching environment. 1 or 2 BPHR's in a hitting park.

I prefer to have the walks come in a hitting park from my pitchers.
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Postby scorehouse » Sat May 02, 2009 10:28 am

i like my sps to be slanted towards lhbs or rhbs. always choose a park greatly favoring one and negating the other. after the draft i assess the lineups of the teams in my division and adjust accordingly. if my division is stacked with teams playing platoons, i'll go with pitchers that throw better against the opposite of their throwing arm. example an rhp rated 5L, etc.
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Postby scorehouse » Sat May 02, 2009 10:32 am

i've played lots of teams and pitching is the wildcard. high priced pitchers seem to disappoint almost as much as hal in the bullpen. personally, i don't like bb or bphrs on my pitchers cards.
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Postby RICHARDMILTER » Sun May 03, 2009 7:34 am

In a park like PNC , where lefty hitters do well you want at least a couple lefty pitchers. In a park like Camden where right handed batters have it better you want right handed pitching.

Also if you are in a pitcher's park as your home, you can have (if fact you want) pitchers with a ballpark Hr or two on their cards, because in your park they are just long outs, and chances are the pitcher will be less expensive if he has some ballpark homeruns on his card, versus a pitcher who as equal numbers but no BPHRs.
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